Chapter Seven

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Sky's POV
When we arrived at the gate Frodo knocked eagerly on it. A latch open near the top of the door. When the person saw that we were not that tall he bent down and opened a lower latch.
"What do you want?"the gatekeeper questioned.
"We're heading for the Prancing Pony,"Frodo replied grimly. The gatekeeper closed the small porthole then opened the gate. A shocked look appeared on his grimy face.
"Hobbits! Four hobbits! What's more out of the Shire by your talk! And a pretty hobbit lass! What business brings you to Bree?"he asked in wonder. I smiled.
"We wish to stay at the inn. Our business is our own,"he replied firmly.
"Alright young sir, I meant no offense. My job to ask questions after nightfall. There's talk of strange folk abroad. Can't be too careful,"he assured. He moved aside and allowed us in ten shut the gate behind us. Frodo continued walking but I stopped and turned toward the gatekeeper.
"I'm sorry, dear sir. He's just had a bad night. That's all. By the way my name is Skylar. Is the weather always like this around here?"I said gesturing to the pouring rain.
"Yes, Skylar, it is. My name is Peter. Your are a very sweet lass and your very pretty too,"he commented.
"Thank you, Peter,"I said cheerfully.
"It seems as if you make this dark, dreary day brighter with your happiness,"the man went on.
"Your a very kind gentleman. Sadly I must catch up to my friends before the get worried. Thank you for the nice chat,"I said walking away.
"See you later, Skylar,"Peter chattered.
"Bye Peter,"I waved. I quickly walked toward the Prancing Pony avoiding the tall men and carriages making their way down the dirt road. Finally I arrived at the front entrance of the Prancing Pony. When I walked in I noticed how the place had a homely feeling to it. The man at the guest smiled down at me.
"What's your name, lass?"he asked kindly.
"It's Skylar. Skylar Hopesinger,"I answered with a smile.
"What a beautiful name. You can call me Barliman. You must be the fifth hobbit of that group that came in. When they said they had one more person in there group, I thought they were talking about another hobbit boy. I'm sure it hard traveling with them,"he piped.
"Oh, sir, their not that bad! You grow fond of them when you're around them most of your life. I've always been a tomboy anyway. One of them is my brother,"I laughed. He nodded.
"They rented a room. I'd advise you to stay in there if you don't want to be bothered by these men. They're not the nicest to pretty girls like you. I can have my assistant Hob bring you your supper if that would please you,"he insisted.
"I trust your opinion and I would love if he brought me some supper. Please will you inform Mr. Underhill that I am in the room,"I answered.
"Yes, of course, I can, young lady. Your room is up those stairs and at the end of the hallway. I'll have your supper sent to you right away,"he promised.
"Thank you, kind sir,"I said pleased. I quickly headed to the room. It was a fairly big room with a fireplace (that already had a fire going). There was two chairs and five beds. It was a homely room and was just our size. After I threw my stuff on my bed I sat down with my dagger still on my belt. I heard a knock on the door and figured or was my supper. I opened the door ever so slightly and peered outside. Standing there was hobbit boy with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. In his arms he held my supper. I opened the door the rest of the way. He smiled at me.
"Hello. I'm Hob,"he said cheerfully.
"Hi. My name is Skylar,"I smiled.
"I've brought you your supper,"he added.
"And for that I thank you. I would ask that you please come in and have a cup of tea with me though. It would be a much better way of thanking you and it would also give me some company,"I offered knowing it would be kind to ask.
"Thank you for offering. I would love to have a conversation with another hobbit, but I must get back to my work,"he answered sadly,"Do you want me to place your supper on the bed?" I nodded. He walked in, placed the tray on one of the beds, then walked silently out of the room and down the hall closing the door behind him. I frowned. Loneliness is never a good feeling. I sat down beside my supper then gobbled up as much as I could. After I finished I quietly sat down in one of the chairs near the fire. After a few minutes of silence I heard a knock on the door. I wondered if it was Hob but to my surprise it wasn't. Standing there was Pippin, Merry, and Sam with grim looks on their face. They were all holding stools and candlesticks.
"Sky, someone's kidnapped Frodo,"Pippin said worry clear in his voice.
"Is the person still in the hotel?"I questioned calmly.
"Yes. Merry followed the man to his room, but he didn't go in,"Sam answered. I quickly fetched my dagger and bow. I tossed my quiver over my shoulder then turned back to the boys.
"Lead the way,"I said determinedly. Merry ran down the hall and turned a corner which led to a barely lit corridor. Soon we stood in front of a tall door. It was a room where a man would live. Merry backed up and allowed me to be in the front. I kicked the wooden door as hard as I could and watched as slid inward. I put on my fiercest battle face while holding my dagger tightly in my hand. The boys came charging around me. A man with black hair grabbed his sword then turned to face him. Sam threw down his stool and made his hand into fists. I pushed my way to the front of the crowd pushing Sam's fist down.
"What do you want with Frodo?"I hissed,"You seem to be too nice of a person to be kidnapping a hobbit but then again looks deceive." The man stared at me with a surprised face. Sam tried to come forward again but I pushed him back. I sent him a look that told him to stop then turned back to the man.
"Be out with it will you. I don't have all night,"I threatened.
"You're fierce for a girl. As for Frodo he was attracting too much attention then he needed. There are things hunting for him outside. Y'all cannot wait for the wizard any longer. There coming. I would also like to ask were you came from for I did not see you downstairs?"he answered calmly.
"I was in our room. I don't have much of a taste for the crazy people that stay here,"I replied. He nodded. The mans was called Strider. He was very smart for he led us to the hotel on the opposite side of the road. The black riders as he called him would think we were staying at the Prancing Pony. In the room we were staying in we stuffed the beds with pillow making it look as if we were in bed asleep. Strider informed us a little about the black riders then went to sleep. Sam stared at the man uneasily.
"I'd advise you to get some sleep,"Strider told us. I was the first to obey. I thought I may as well set on example for the boys. Soon I was fast asleep.

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