Chapter Thirty-Four

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The land was flooded with water, and at the center of it all stood Orthanc, Saruman's Tower, unscathed by the brutal battle that had happened around it. Somewhere hidden deep within the halls of that tower was a defeated wizard who was no longer the powerful, brooding man he had made himself to be. At the edge of all the destruction, on the very outer walls, three small heroes sat laughing and chatting among themselves. They raised their mugs into the air and toasted to their victory...."What are you doing, Sky?" Merry asked causing me to stop writing. After the battle, I had come across a room of paper and ink. I grabbed several sheets and a quill while I was waiting for the boys to finish gathering what they called their "victory feast."

"Oh! I'm just writing down details about the battle so I can put them in my journal if I get it back." He smiled and ruffled my hair.

"You always amaze me," he laughed as he smoked his pipe, "It's good. This pipe is. Just like the Shire's Longbottom Leaf. You should try it."

I shook my head, "No thank you. I will stick to enjoying this fine fruit and bread."

"Suit yourself!"

Beside me, Pippin leaned back a little more and let out a puff of smoke. "I feel like I'm back at the Green dragon," he said as he lifted his mug, "after a hard days work." I laughed.

"Only you've never done a hard day's work," Merry added causing me to laugh even harder. Suddenly, Pippin sat up and looked into the forest. I followed his gaze to see the rest of the fellowship (not including Frodo, Sam, and Boromir) riding toward us. I smiled and climbed down from my perch as Pippin let out a whoop and Merry stood to his feet.

"Welcome, my lords, to...Isengard!" he said motioning to the land around him.  Gandalf and Gimli did not seem amused.

"You young rascals! A merry hunt you've led us on, and now we find you feasting and smoking!" the dwarf growled.

"We are sitting on a field of victory,"  Pip managed to say through a mouthful of food, "enjoying a few well-earned comforts. The salted pork is especially good."

"Salted pork?" Gimli said now very interested.

Hobbits!" Gandalf shook his head with a silent chuckle. I giggled and ran toward him. He dismounted and pulled me into a hug.

"My dear Skylar, how have you been holding up?" he asked.

"Well, as you can see I have been with two troublemakers, but me and Treebeard have been keeping them straight," I replied letting go of him.

"We're taking orders from Treebeard, who's taken over management of Isengard," Merry said hopping down from the wall. The others helped us on there horses and we entered the grounds (or now lake) of Isengard. Treebeard approached us when we were in the fortress grounds scaring the others (that is all except Gandalf).

"Huraroom...Young master Gandalf, I'm glad you've come. Wood and water, stock and stone I can master, but there's a wizard to be managed here...locked in his tower," the Ent said.

"And there Saruman must remain, under your guard, Treebeard," the wizard answered.

"Let's just have his head and be done with it!" Gimli growled.

"No. He has no power anymore," Gandalf looked up at the tower. Beside him, the Ent nodded.

"The filth of Saruman is washing away...Trees will come back to life here, young trees...wild trees," the creature told us. Pippin suddenly jumped off the horse he was on and picked up a round, golden orb. When he looked in it, he became transfixed and almost paralyzed. I gasped and jumped down from the horse I was on. Gandalf also dismounted.

"Well bless my bark!" Treebeard exclaimed.

"Peregrin Took! I'll take that, my lad!" Gandalf said his voiced lined with urgency. Pippin didn't move he stared in wonder at the now black stone.

"Quickly now!" Gandalf urged. He handed the wizard the orb reluctantly then remounted the horse he was on as Gandalf hid the item deep in his cloak.

"What was that?" I asked the wizard as he helped me onto the horse then mounted it himself.

"That, my dear, is the Palantir. It is a tool of great evil. That is why you must stay away from it. Is that clear?"

"Yes, it is," I nodded. Gandalf smiled at me then said, "Off to Rohan we go, now that everything is cleared up!" So that is where we went, most of the fellowship reunited. All enjoying the pleasure of victory, but in the heart suffering from the pain of loss.

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