Chapter Twenty-six

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Sky's POV
I ran my hand through the water making tiny waves as we made our way down the river. My thoughts wandered to Old Gamagee. Is he searching for us? Does he think we're dead? Would he approve of Pippin? Does he miss me? A pang in my heart reminded me how much I missed him. He was probably eating luncheon by now sitting at the table...alone. My mind found its way to the garden outside of Bag End. Was it full of weeds? Did all the flowers die? Or were some of them just blooming? Did the Sackville Baginses ransack Bag End? If they did, Frodo would have a big talk with them when he returned. I began to hum to break the silence. It didn't help much.
We landed on the shore around noon. We had reach the end of the safe part of the river. I stepped onto dry land thankfully. Everyone else found a spot to sit and rest. I decided to take a short walk instead. It was truly a gorgeous place, but the forest seemed somewhat haunting and full of tales. It seemed to ring with sounds of the past, the building of the large statues and tower, and yet even among the rubble of distant times it still held beauty. Tiny flowers opened their faces to the sunlight which was slightly lessened by the shade of the sturdy trees. Moss and mushrooms littered the moist floor of the woods. The chitter chatter of the animals echoed throughout the hills making the place not as lonely. Suddenly everything went silent and shouting filled my ears. I rushed back to camp to find no one there. "Pippin! Merry!" I shouted. "Legolas! Gimli...anyone...Sam." I sighed giving up. I went back to the forest and began searching for the others. Something grabbed my hair. I turned around to find the sinister grin of an Orc. Suddenly I was five years old again in the grasps of the same fowl creature. He dragged me deeper into the forest until Boromir came into view. His gaze landed on me. An arrow pierced threw his shoulder. A picture of my parents flashed through my mind, the orcs with their arrows drawn aimed at their hearts. Tears streamed down my face once again just like that day so many years ago. I knew I wasn't going to be set free this time. No the grace of an Orc never happens twice. The Orc to the hilts of his weapon and struck me on the head. There was pain and the faint smell of blood then everything went dark.
And so ends the Fellowship of the Ring. New adventure awaits us, my fellow fans. More love...tragedy...and of course bravery. Because of the lack of replies on the other chapters, I will ask once more. Do you want another book or do you want me to keep going with this one and just put all three movies in here? If you fail to reply I will not make it into separate book. I will simply continue. Love you guys. Just knowing that you are reading this book makes me so happy and fills my day with awesomeness. Commenting just make me die of happiness :)
Have a wonderful day (or night)! Enjoy!

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