Chapter Ten

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I'll protect u chapter ten

Sky's POV
We settled down under a small overhang. Strider gave the boys their own sword. Since I had a dagger he didn't give me one.
"Stay here,"he ordered after giving out the swords then he walked away. I made myself comfortable using my sack as a pillow then let sleep overtake me.
My eyes flickered open as a screeching sound filled my ears. I sat up quickly and looked around. The boys were missing and in their place was a black rider. He stood at my feet. He held his sword tightly in his hand. Thinking quickly I grabbed my bow and aimed it at the arm that held the sword. This turned out to be a bad idea for when the arrow pierced through his arm it it made the sword feel heavier. This caused the black rider to lower his sword because of pain. I felt cold metal slice through my skin. The black man screeched in agony. I cringed in pain which made me close my eyes. When I reopened them the rider was gone. At first I thought it had been a dream but then I saw my left leg covered in blood and felt fresh waves of pain. I wasted no time finding my bag and pulling out one of my extra t-shirts. I quickly ripped off a strip of it to use as a bandage then poured some of the water out of my canteen over the wound. Once the wound was fairly clean I wrapped the homemade bandage around it tightly. I then forced myself to my feet and limped away to find my friends. I followed a staircase up to the top of the old watch tower where I found the boys and Strider gathered around Frodo. The black haired hobbit's face was pale as death and his eyes were a picture of pure agony. I examined him searching for what was causing the pain. I gasped when my eyes reach his shoulder. The boys turned and looked at me.
"Where have you been?"Sam asked.
"What happened to your leg?"Pippin questioned. Sam gasped when he saw a bandage around my leg.
"I was delayed,"I answered back.
"That doesn't explain your leg,"Sam replied worriedly.
"It doesn't explain why we're standing here gabbing when Frodo needs medical attention either,"I shot back then walked over to Strider. He picked up Frodo in his arms then walked down the stairs we had came up. I limped quietly behind him. When we arrived at our camp we gathered up our supplies then worked away steadily down Weathertop. We continued on with our journey wishing to reach the next safe haven quickly. Strider allowed us to stop in rest in a little open area that contained three troll statues made completely out of stone. Pippin informed me that they were the trolls out of Bilbo's stories. Sam tried to get Frodo to look but the darkness was slowly getting to him. Strider and Sam headed deeper into the woods to search for medicine. Meanwhile my leg forced me to sit down. I could feel darkness trying to blur my vision and make me close my eyes but I paid it no attention. Pippin came and sat down beside me. Forcing me to turn my head and look at him. He looked within my eyes and saw the pain the was torturing me. A fresh wave of pain made tears stream down my face.
"That cut isn't just a scratch is it?"he questioned worriedly. I shook my head then pulled off the bandage. I gasped when I saw that all around the wound was black. Merry came running over and also saw the wound.
"How did it happen?"he questioned bending down to examine the cut.
"When I woke up there was a black rider standing in front of me. I shot his arm which caused him to lower his sword. What I don't get is he could have killed me in my sleep but he didn't,"I answered.
"Why didn't you tell Strider?"Merry asked.
"I thought it wasn't important and it isn't. Frodo is much worse off so go take care of him. I'm fine. Now shoo,"I demanded. They walked away to tend to Frodo or so I thought. Pippin came back with a plant in his hands. He didn't say anything he just bent down and pressed the plant against my wound. I let out a squeak as the plant touched my wound but forced myself to hold my breath till the pain was numbed.
"Strider said it would numb the pain but it wouldn't extract the poison,"Pip informed me.
"Wait you told Strider?"I grimaced.
"No. I listened in to his conversation about Frodo,"he assured. I sent him a pained smile. He tied the bandage around the medicine and the wound then sat down beside me. He placed one arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him. I leaned my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes allowing myself to fall into a fitful sleep.
Merry's POV
I turned my gaze toward Skylar and saw her cuddled close to Pippin. Frodo wasn't looking so good. He was as pale as a ghost. Strider had brought back some medicine but it didn't help. Now we were just taking a short rest. Strider didn't know about Sky. She looked like she was in pain yet she tried to hide it. I sat down beside Sam and prepared myself to sleep. I was at the verge of drifting of into a light snooze when I saw a black haired woman with pointy ears that was in a white dress. She walked over to Frodo and told him something in a soft voice.
"Who is she?"I asked.
"Frodo,"the woman said.
"She's an elf!"Sam said enthusiastically.
"He's fading,"she continued taking no notice of Sam. Strider pressed more Athelias against the wound.
"He's not going to last. We must get him to my father,"the elf lady commanded. Strider lifted Frodo gently holding him in his arms.
"I've been looking for you for two days,"she told Strider,"there are five wraiths behind you where the other four are I do not know." She pulled herself up on her silvery white horse than waited for Strider to lift Frodo up onto it too.
"Dartho guin perian. Rych le al tolthanon (Stay with the hobbits. I will send horses back for you),"Strider said. The words made no sense.
"Hon mabathon. Rochon elint im (I'm a faster rider. I'll take him),"the woman answered back in the same gibberish.
"Andeli i ven (the road is too dangerous),"Strider went on with a worried voice.
"What are they saying?"I asked Sam.
"Frodo fîr. Ae athradon i hir, tur gwaith nin beraitha hon (Frodo dying. If I can get him across the river, the power of my people will protect him),"she cried,"I do not fear them."I watched as she rode off into the night leaving Strider in the dust. There was one sentence I understood in their conversation because it was the only sentence they spoke in English. It was: "I do not fear them."
"We're going to stay here till sunrise then we keep moving. Rest up because I don't think we're going t get to stop much,"Strider informed us.
"Strider,"I started but stopped. He stared at me.
"Yes Merry,"he beckoned for me to continue. I sent him a nervous look and pointed to the woods. I then walked out of the camp hoping he would follow. I stopped by a large pins tree and waited to see if he was coming. Sure enough he came trudging through the woods toward me.
"What's wrong, Merry?"he asked when he stood beside me.
"It's Skylar,"I started.
"What about Skylar?"he questioned.
"She told me not to say anything because it might take your mind off of Frodo but some promises must be broken for their on good,"I went on.
"Merry just get to the point,"he cried having enough of the secrecy.
"She's hurt, Strider, a wraith cut her leg. She didn't think it was important to tell anybody. We had to find out ourselves. She in a lot of pain but she's trying to hide it just like everything else. She not going to make it I don't think. She getting paler and her mind keeps wondering off. She keeps looking off into the night like she's seeing things,"I said worriedly.
"It's amazing she's made it this far. That means will have to start moving tonight. Come on let's go,"he informed me walking back to the camp. I followed silently. When we made it back to camp I gathered up my stuff then ran over to Sky and Pip. I gathered her stuff up then threw both of our packs on my back. I instructed Pippin to re-bandage her leg then wrap her in a blanket. Sam saw what I was doing and quickly did the same. Soon we were all prepared to leave Strider picked Skylar up and told Pippin to carry his bag for him. We then started moving again.

I'll Protect You (Lotr fan fiction/Pippin love story)Where stories live. Discover now