Chapter Fourteen

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I'll protect u chapter fourteen

Sky's POV
Everyone scrambled to gather their stuff. I simply grabbed my small sac of belongings then stood there waiting for the others. Pippin finished next and joined me. He offered to carry my sac saying he didn't have much to carry. I refused by saying my pack was really light. Pippin frowned. Merry joined us after he had shouldered his large pack. Sam and Frodo came next.
"If we hurry, we may make it to the bottom of the mountain by sun down," Gandalf announced once every one had finished packing up. With that we headed on. I whistled a little tune to make the trek seem a least a little bit shorter. It didn't help. The day seemed to last forever. One thought just wouldn't leave my mind. 'Tell them' it said 'Aragorn said it would help lift this horrid weight off your shoulders. Tell them your life story'. Maybe I should. Maybe it 'would' help. I guess it wouldn't hurt to try. I mean I know it's going to be painful, but it also might be relieving.
Just as Gandalf had said, we arrived at the base of the mountain at sunset and set up camp. All hobbits were given the task to collect a lot (and when I say a lot, I mean a lot) of firewood. The air had grown rather chilly and the word "fire" made me hurry to gather the amount of sticks needed to create a ginormous bonfire. When Sam and I had brought back our share, we were told to help cook supper. Truly we were the only ones cooking supper and we were helping no one but ourselves. We made a very nice meal of venison, vegetables, and a loaf of bread. For a drink, I found a nearby stream which I filled a couple of our canteens at. It was a great feast for weary travelers with lots of laughter and singing. The fire burned bright in the night sky, but I believe our hearts burned brighter full of hope that we COULD take the Ring to Mordor. That we COULD defeat the evil lord Sauron. That even tho we were small in number we COULD defeat the armies that wished to do us harm. We COULD do anything our hearts desired if only we believed.
Soon the excitement died down. The once flaming fire was now dying embers. I snuggled close to Sam hoping he we guard me from the cold night air.
"Let us here a story!" Boromir exclaimed. There was that feeling again. The feeling that told me I should tell somebody my story.
"Well, I will tell you the story of my pa if you wish," Gimli announced to my dismay.
"Haven't we already heard that story...twice," Pippin whined. Gimli huffed.
"Umm...if you don't mind, I have a story to tell," I mumbled nervously.
"We don't mind at all, lass," Gimli said sending me an encouraging smile. The others nodded or let out an excited "please do". I stood up and walked to a place were I figured everyone could see me.
"Well...umm...I believe everyone has told their backstory, that is except me. So I have decided it was time for you to hear mine,"I sighed. "I was born to two of the best parents who has ever lived in Middle Earth. Their names were Delvin and Anna Hopesinger. They built a cabin in the woods near Bree so they could enjoy many adventures then I was born. Their plans changed drastically. They taught me to use my imagination and to always place others before myself. They took me camping and taught me to respect nature. Finally they decided to take me on an adventure. We packed up and headed out the door. As we traveled my heart seemed to open up a hidden place that I never knew I had, a place that held a love for adventure. The world seemed new and open, calling me to explore it. We traveled two days until we reach a large open field, covered in dandelions. I called it "The Wishing Field." I quickly occupied myself with gathering a bunch of dandelions. I thought my mom and dad where setting up the tent and making a fire. I made my way back to my mom so I could give her a bouquet of flowers. As I drew closer to them, I watched an arrow pierced my fathers side. I started to run toward them, but an Orc grabbed my hair and held me in the air by it. I fought hard trying to get free from his grasp, but the pain got worse, and finally I gave up. 'We'll let her go so she can suffer for the rest of her life. She probably die anyway but let her have a taste of what happens when people run into us,' the Orc scoffed. I could barely see through my tears as two Orcs aimed the bows at my parents. The only thing I heard was the twang of the bows as the Orcs sent their arrows zooming through the air toward my parents. The one holding my hair dropped me to the ground. When their evil laughter faded away, I knew they were gone. I crawled over to parents, laid down beside them, and cried myself to sleep. At the age of five, I was left an orphan in the middle of who knows where. At first, I didn't believe they were dead. I thought that they were asleep (being so young I didn't know any better). When finally I gave up trying to wake them from their eternal sleep, I gathered anything that could be a reminder of them. I grabbed my mother's necklace, my dad's maps, and a small knife the had given me. I wandered out in the wood not knowing were to go. I cried my heart out in those woods. I felt so alone. Finally Gandalf found me tired and starving yet still alive, thank goodness. He took me to the Shire and told me that somebody was sure to take me in. I think I got the best Pa in town now, Old Gaffer, the best big brother in the universe, Samwise Gamgee." I quickly hurried to sit back down hoping no one would laugh at me. Sam pulled me into a hug.
"You know you didn't have to do that right," he whispered.
"I know. I just thought it would help," I answered.
"I think I'm going to hit the sack," Sam said with a yawn.
"I believe I'll join you. I feel as the whole world is staring at me," I smiled. I rolled out my sleeping mat and laid down. My pillow felt like a cloud after the rough day I had endured. I quickly fell into a refreshing sleep.


Sorry, my fellow lotr fans, that I have took so long to update. I don't know what happened to me. I haven't forgotten about y'all though. Pleaze forgive me. Tell me you thoughts give me your ideas and vote. ;-)

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