Chapter Nineteen

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Sky's POV

Gandalf held me tight in his arms as the creature locked us in the darkness. Slowly he placed me on the ground. I didn't move. I didn't want to move. I simply cuddled up into a ball.

"It will be over soon, everything will be fine," I reminded myself quietly. I managed to grab hold of my necklace and unhook it. I tightened my grip on the dragon carving.

It seemed like heaven was opening its gates when Gandalf finally lit up his staff. Sam rushed to my side and helped me up. Pippin pulled me into a hug.

"Are you okay?" he asked. I nodded and walked over to Frodo.

"Are you okay? That thing sent you for a wild ride," I chirped. He huffed and walked away. I frowned.

"Well, isn't he just a little ray of sunshine," I grumbled walking back over to Pippin and Sam. Merry joined are little group as we gathered in the entrance (or what used to be the entrance) of Moria.

"Maybe I should try sorting all this out between the two of you," Sam offered. I smiled at his efforts.

"I think I should sort this out by myself," I winced then walked over to where Frodo was standing. I stood beside him silently hoping he might start talking.

"What's wrong?" I asked breaking the awful silence. He didn't answer. I huffed then grabbed him and forced him to face me.

"Look, just because you're jealous doesn't mean you should just ignore me. You've changed Frodo and it's not a good change either. You are the Ringbearer. You bear the whole world's fate and now you're acting like a little baby. You used have one of the nicest smiles and all I see now is a frown. What is wrong with you? Just because fate sends you down a different path doesn't mean life is over. It means it's just beginning. I want you to be strong not weak. I want you to be brave not cowardly. I believe in you Frodo Baggins. I know you still have a lot of secrets and surprises up your sleeve and I'm ready to see them. Someday maybe fate will send someone special your way who will knock you off your feet and send your head to outer space, but right now you have a mission. Don't brood over the past look to the future. We are not heading backwards were heading forwards and right now all you're doing is rolling around on the dirt road. You're causing people to trip over you. So get up, dust yourself off, and start heading in the right direction," I told him. I placed a kiss on his cheek then ran back over to where the others were standing. Pippin stood glaring at Frodo. I shook my head in laughter. Boys get so jealous. Merry grinned at me. I laughed. Pip sent us an offended look making Sam chuckle too. I kissed him on the cheek to satisfy him then huffed. He huffed back. I pushed him and he pushed me back. We turned away from each other shaking our heads. Merry smiled slyly then pushed Pippin to the ground. Pip grabbed Merry's leg and pulled him to ground. We all laughed. Gandalf shushed us making me frown. Sam and I helped the boy's up sending them sly smiles. They looked worried for a moment then stifled a laugh. Boromir sent us a questioning look, but I hastily waved it away.

We marched onward deeper into the unknown graves. The air became harder to breathe as we ventured further in the caves. The carving on the dimly lit walls showed the dwarves' spectacular skill. Always present was the smell of rotting bodies and our crunching footsteps. I stayed close to the boy's side hoping they could protect me from the unknown dangers. We stopped at a crossroad between two passages. Gandalf allowed us to sit down as he tried to remember the way. A silent conversation was passed between most of the Fellowship that is all except Frodo who solemnly sat to the side staring into the darkness.

"Do you have a feeling we're being watched?" I asked the other silently. They nodded in answer.

"I keep getting this strange feeling that someone's following us too," Legolas whispered.

"Well, we best be prepared. It could be goblins," Aragorn added in a hushed tone. I wrapped my hand around the hilt of my dagger at his words, yet instead of fear rushing up inside me now it was nervous excitement. I knew I was growing stronger. I was learning the ways of the world. I was becoming like my parents. Maybe, just maybe they would be proud of me now.   

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