the sliepnir: sophie x dex (platonic)

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a/n- if you didn't already, please go read the authors update on the previous chapter! it'll explain what the new edition to havenfield is and what it looks like. happy reading!

-emily :P


Sophie frowned, throwing the stalks of clustered cinnamon barks to the ground. Grazie was definitely not being compliant today. Sophie's new tunic was covered in dirt and grass from being thrown to the side after an attempt to feed the newest edition to Havenfield's pastures.


Edaline came up to Sophie and took in her rumpled appearance. Her gaze landed back on Grazie. "Do you need any help?"

A pit of stubbornness sprang up from Sophie's stomach. She shook her head, "No thanks." She pouted, "This stubborn Sliepnir won't eat!" 

Her adoptive mother frowned. "Well, why don't you get one of your friends to help? That way you can take a break from doing this by yourself. How about Keefe? He seems to have an influence on the animals."

Sophie blushed at the thought of Keefe coming and seeing her mucked-up tunic and twig infested ponytail. She then paused. Why was she blushed at the thought of Keefe? She liked Fitz. Right? Shaking her head to gather her thoughts, she gave Edaline a small no. 

Edaline inwardly smiled at her daughter's crush-troubles. "How about Dex then?"

Sophie's face lit up. "Yes! We haven't seen each other in forever!"

Her mother chuckled and went to go hail Dex.


A short while later, Dex and Sophie were staring up at Grazie and both wore matching frowns on their faces. 

"This is the sliepnir?"

Sophie shook her head solemnly. "Yep."

Dex cocked his head to the side. "Shouldn't Tam be here as well?" he glanced back at the towering horse in front of him. "I mean, she's covered in shadow-type mist. And, well. Tam's a shade."

Sophie hummed thoughtfully. "If we can't feed her in an hours time, then we can call Tam. Until then, we should brave the beast alone."

He laughed at her antics. Bravely picking up another stalk of swizzlespice (idk what that is, but im pretty sure it is something that the gnomes give to the animals...?) and walked over to Grazie. 

He shook it with his hands. "Here horsie horsie horsie. Come and get the treats!"

Sophie doubled over with laughter. Dex turned back and glared at her. "Well, what do you expect me to do? Shove it in her mouth?"

Sophie laughed harder.



Sophie's ribs were cramping. Dex had just had another unsuccessful attempt at getting the sliepnir to eat. He had been trying to get on the horse's back, but the she-devil had been too fast. 

Dex lifted his face off the ground. "I officially hate sliepnirs."

He looked to where she was laughing on the ground. "I'd like to see you try to get this bugger to eat!"

Sophie looked up and wiped the tears. "Dex, I had been trying for an hour before you got here. But i'll give it another go I guess."

She took a stalk of swizzlespice from Dex and headed over to the animal.

She looked into it's beady eyes and tried to convey peace and safety from her own eyes. Here. Take it. Please. She took another tentative step forward. The sliepnir allowed her to get closer. Yes. Grazie shifted all 8 of her hooves. 

Stalking closer, the stubborn sleipnir tentivlely sniffed at the cinnamon bark in Sophie's hands. 

"Come on," Sophie soothed. "It's alright."

Grazie shifted her beady black eyes to look into Sophie's.

"Uh, Soph?" Dex called out, "You might want to back away now. Grazie's looking murderous here."

But he warned her too late. As soon as the sliepnir made eye contact with Sophie, it reared its front legs and knocked Sophie to thr ground.

"Argh..." Sophie sat up, dizzily. She turned to where Dex was standing awkwardly, looking as if he didn't know whether to laugh or ask if she was alright. 

Sophie rubbed her temples in frustration, but stopped when a phantom pain laced through her skin. "Wha-?" She felt around her forehead. Oh great. She had a huge bruise forming on the side of her head. 

"I guess I Fostered it, huh?"

Dex finally cracked a grin. "Yeah. Definitely."

Sophie turned to glare at the she-devil that seemed to be smirking at her from afar. She glanced back at Dex. "Maybe it would be a good time to call Tam."

"No kidding" Dex snorted. 

She only huffed in response. 

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