the sliepnir: tam x biana [pt 1]

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a/n- hey lovelies!! i hope you are doing alright!! 

also- major question. who do you ship biana with? Tam or Dex? (or someone else. it doesn't really have to be limited to just the two boys)

this oneshot is based after the neverseen are defeated, and all of the characters are 18/19+. (age wise)

happy reading!! 

<3 emily

Sophie and Dex were sitting on her living room couch, eating pity Mallowmelt that Edaline had made. 

She took out her imparted and called Tam. 

"Hel- hold on B, Sophie just called," Sophie and Dex shared a curious glance. 

'B?' He mouthed.

Sophie just shrugged. 

"Hello? Soph?" Tam's voice rang out through the speaker. 

Sophie plastered on a smile. "Hey Tam! So, I uh wanted to ask a favor..."

Through the screen, they could see Tam prop the imparter on his desk. His ruffled silver bangs glinting against the sun peeking out of the curtain behind him.

He shrugged, "Sure. What's up?"

Sophie and Dex just shared another look. 

Dex cleared his throat. "Well, you see-"

"Dex is there too?"

Tam froze. 

Sophie raised an eyebrow. "Who was that?"

Tam stuttered, "Uh, um, well- Linh. Yep. Linh's on my bed with Princess Purryfins." (pretty sure thats her name....) (also for all you dirty minded people out there... you can interpret biana being on tam's bed however you want.  😏 😏)

Dex's whole face seemed to light up. "Linh's there as well? Can we see her?"

But Tam seemed to freeze up again. "Uh, no, sorry. She's-" He looked to the side, "She's throwing up, and I wouldn't want you to throw up because she threw up or whatever. I know when some people see someone else throw up then they will in turn throw up, and I wouldn't want Edaline to have to clean-" He stopped himself. 

Quiet snickers echoed through the speakers.

"...Well, tell her Dex and Sophie give their best and hope she feels better soon." Dex replied, one eyebrow cocked.

Tam seemed to revert back to his normal self. "Anyways, what's the favor you wanted to ask me?"

Sophie grimanced. "Well, that's the thing..."


Dex and Sophie waited outside for Tam to show up and help take care of the she-devil.

A beam of light appeared next to the pastures and a figure stepped out.

"I really can not thank you enough, Tam-" Sophie stopped herself. 

Because it wasn't just Tam who stepped out of the glow. 

It was Biana as well.


Sophie understood at once. Even though she was famous for being oblivous 24/7, she knew a budding relationship when she saw one. 

"Biana was at his house all along. That's why he said B earlier. B as in Biana. Just don't mention that you know, OK? We need Tam on our good side if we want this stubborn sliepnir taken care of." She transmitted to Dex.

As Biana and Tam finished making their way over to where the best friends stood, Dex caught her eye in understanding. 

"Hey guys. I hope you don't mind Biana here as well, I though because she can turn invisible and everything, that may help with taming the creature."

Sophie smiled knowingly. "Of course!" She picked up another bunch of swizzlespice. "And great thinking on your part to bring her." She added over her shoulder. 

"Hey, Biana!" Dex greeted.

Biana smiled back.

Sophie led them to where Grazie stood.

"This is the sliepnir you were telling me about?

Tam frowned at the massive creature before them. 

"It doesn't look like too much of a problem." Biana remarked.

Grazie slid her attention over to the new additions and bucked her front legs upwards. 

Sophie and Dex flinched simultaneously. .

Tam, noting the switch in emotion, cracked his knuckles and took the swizzlespice out of Sophie's arms, handing it to Biana. 

An idea popped into Sophie's head. 

"Well, if you guys have it all under control..."

Dex caught onto what she was implying. "Yeah! I'm going to go check on Linh. Making sure she's okay and whatnot."

He waved goodbye and winked at Sophie before being whisked away by a flash of light. 

Sophie smiled inwardly. "Mmh." She pretended to look at her imparter. "Oh! Look at the time! I have to meet- uh, Keefe right now to go over-..." She scrambled, "... to go over elementalism! Yeah!"

She went to grab her bag next to the shed holding the remaining stalks of cinnamon treats. "You know how I always forget the places of stars and things."

Biana frowned. "But don't you have the stars placements memorized already-"

Cutting her off, Sophie pulled a crystal that leads to the Shores of Solace and held it up to the sun. "If you need anything, Edaline is in the kitchen making another batch of Mallowmelt. And please don't hesitate to hail me if you have any questions."

"Bye now!" 

And in a flash Sophie was gone.

Tam and Biana looked at each other, then glanced away, blushing.

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