the sliepnir: tam x biana [pt 2]

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a/n- hope you like this chapter!! happy reading!

also- in the last chapter I mentioned dex going to go see linh and sophie going to see keefe. would yall like a oneshot of what they do together? (as in what dex and linh do together and what sophie and keefe do together) let me know in the comments!

~emily  💅

Biana's POV--

Tam cleared his throat and focused his attention on the problem at hand. "Well." He looked back at Biana. "Should we make a game plan or something?"

She hummed thoughtfully. "We could." Biana shrugged. "Sophie and Dex looked pretty beaten up when they hailed you earlier. Maybe it would be wise to create a plan." She looked back at Tam. "Or you could do your shade stuff, and see if you can calm this thing down."

He chuckled, "Sure thing. Give me a second to break out my 'shade stuff'."

Biana glared at him, trying and failing to stop the blush from rising to her face. "If you're going to be a jerk about it, then I'll do this myself!"

She pushed her sleeves of her tunic up and started to walk towards the sliepnir. But before she could go anywhere, he pinned her against the shed. Looking her dead in the eyes, he smirked, "So I'm a jerk now? That's not what you were calling me earlier today."

Biana's body felt like it was on fire. Memories of prior events were popping up into her brain. Her gaze dropped to his lips. Biana forced her eyes to meet his once more. She tried to glare at him as he kept smirking at her.  "I-i" she gave up on the glare, huffing, "What happened earlier-" She tried to concentrate on why she was irritated, but her brain was malfunctioning. Tam looked amused at her stuttering. Silently cursing herself, she put her thoughts in order. "...Oh nevermind. Just move so we can be done with this!" She squirmed her way out of Tam's hold on her. 

He stepped back, laughing quietly.  

Biana cursed him and his controlled emotions. 


Tam's POV--

This woman was going to be the death of him. Shaking his head, he carefully stepped up to the sliepnir, ignoring Biana's curses echoing through the pastures. He concentrated on the shadows surrounding the sliepnir. 

It was interesting, really. The shadows weren't just around the sliepnir, they were part of it. And the shadows seemed to be the same as his own. 

(just a warning, i have no idea how shades do their 'shade stuff' as biana calls it. so this part will most likely be weird and cringy soooooooo yeah)

He called the shadows from within. Twisting them towards the creature, he took a step closer. The sliepnir copied his movements. His shadows and the animal's shadows were mixing. He could hear a sharp intake of breath behind him.

Keeping one eye on the sliepnir, he cast his thoughts into Biana's head. 

"Hand me the food."

He could hear her soft laugh as she replied.

 "So commanding these days."

But nonetheless, Biana came up behind him and passed the swizzlespice stalks to his waiting arms.

A smile curled on his lips as he sent a final thought to her. 

"I'll show you just how commanding I can be when we get back to my apartment."

He could hear an audible swallow from behind him. 

As Tam took another step closer, the sliepnir did too. Soon enough, they were in arms distance. He tentatively reached out and stroked the velvet-soft fur coating the creature. 

As he feed the sliepnir, he could almost feel the awe radiating off Biana. He smiled to himself at the thought of the woman behind him.

Eventually, the shadowed sliepnir lay down on the ground to sleep. (idk if thats what horses actually do when they sleep, but i have the AUTHOR POWER so suck it)

"Well, I guess you didn't need me here at all, huh." 

Tam swiveled around to find a smirking Biana. 

"If you're done here, then that means I can be rid of your presence, and go home."

Tam frowned. Stalking towards her, he said, "I don't think I'm done with you yet." His frown morphed into a smirk to match hers. 

He wrapped her up in his arms, while fishing out his crystal leading to his apartment and shining it up to the light. "Why don't we continue what we started earlier?"

Her only answer was a soft laugh in reply.

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