chemistry: dex x biana

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a/n: this is a human au. they are both in high school. in the beginning paragraph, it's the start of the day. everyone knows each other already. it's the middle of the year. it's sophmore year. this might be a long oneshot soooo... happy reading! -emily

Biana grabbed her books and headed off to her chemistry class. She didn't have this class with any of her friends though. So, once she entered the class, she set her bag down at her desk and went to turn in last nights homework.

After everyone was seated, Mr. Derek walked up to the front of the class and announced what they were going to do that day, blah blah blah.

Biana's pov:

Honestly, chemistry wasn't my strong suit. i had barely a b in the class. to get my grade up, i try to pay attention, but Mr. Derek can be super boring sometimes. While i was struggling to pay attention to what he was saying, there was a knock on the door. Mr. Derek stopped talking and went to open the door. 

"Class, I would like you to meet our new student!"

"New student?" "why would there be a new student in the middle of the year?" 

Whisperers traveled the room. Normally we didn't have a new student start in the middle of january. 

In walked a kid with strawberry blond hair and periwinkle eyes. 'He is really cute' i thought to myself.

Mr. Derek walked him to the front of the room. "Introduce yourself please."

The blond shifted. "Uh- well, my name is Dex Dizznee. And not like disney land."

"Tell us one cool thing about yourself."

I inwardly rolled my eyes. He treats us like 3rd graders.

"i am really good at chemistry," dex continued. "And i enjoy building technology."

Mr. Derek looked satisfied. "Very nice. Please take a seat next to..." his eyes scanned the room. They traveled to the empty seat next to me. "Biana Vacker. Biana, please raise your hand."

God, he put the hot new kid next to me. i'm going to be an mess. Nevertheless, i raised my hand.

Dex walked over to the desk next to me and sat down. 

I leaned over and whispered, "Hi, i'm biana."

He turned and looked at me and replied, "hey. I'm dex. but i guess you already know that." 

We both grinned and turned back to face the teacher. 

"Welcome dex." he paused and took out a sheet from his desk. "As I was saying, for a mastery grade this year, you are going to be doing a group project." everybody groaned. He ignored them and continued. "You will be researching the effect of an acidic environment on dental amalgams. The groups are going to be your desk partner(s). You will have the rest of class to discuss."

I internally groaned. I knew nothing about this. I hope dex did. 

Dex and I turned and faced each other. 

"So, i have bad news." 

Dex scrunched his eyebrows together. "What do you mean?"

I blushed, "Well, i don't know what any of this means."

Dex grinned. "Well, it's a good thing i know all about this!"

We made plans to meet up at my house tonight to work on the project. Mr. Derek had only given us 3 weeks to complete it. Dex and I got to know each other. He had 3 siblings and his dad runs a pharmacy. I told him that i had 2 siblings and loved to shop. After class, Dex came up to me.

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