recovery pt 1: linh x wylie

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A/N: hello everyone! this is a Lylie oneshot. i hope u like it! -emily

Wylie was on bed rest from the kidnapping. He felt fine, but Elwin wouldn't let him get out of bed until he was fully recovered. He hated waking up and knowing he couldn't do anything. The only good part of his day was when Linh came. He had developed feelings for her over the past few days. She was adorable! Her pale blue eyes, silvery tips, and kind attitude made his day. A knocking sound snapped Wylie out of his daydreams. 

"come in!" he called out.

Linh walked in with a basket and sat in the chair next to his bed. "hey! how are you feeling today?"

"Kinda the same. i just wish i could be doing something helpful right now." Wylie looked into her eyes and his heart sped up.

"i know how you feel." Linh put her basket on Wylie's desk and held up her hands, "give me an animal."

Wylie smiled. He knew what she was going to do. "Ummm... an alicorn"

Linh created an alicorn with water. Wylie named more animals and Linh created them. About an hour later, Wylie and Linh were laughing so hard. Linh had created their friends and was acting out their personalities. she was acting out all of the couples flirting with each other. Like, for example, Keefe teasing and flirting with Sophie, and Sophie being oblivious about it. Wylie noticed that Linh didn't act out herself or him. He didn't really know what that meant. He finally calmed down. 

"So what's in the basket?"

linh blushed, "oh, it's just some ripplepuffs and custard bursts i made for you." 

Wylie smiled. "thank you Linh. I bet these treats are delicious."

After a feast of desserts, Linh nervously cleared her throat. 

"Hey Wylie?"

Wylie looked up. "yea?"

"So, ya know how i didn't ship both of us with anyone else when i was making water people?"


"umm well the reason I did that is because... uh well i sort of have a big crush on you." Linh looked up to see Wylie's face filled with surprise. "I mean if you don't like me back that's totally fine with me. i mean who would ever love a wayward?"

Wylie spoke up "Linh." She looked up from her mini rant,"I sort of have a big crush on you too."

Linh smiled, "am i allowed to kiss you now?" she asked slyly. 

Wylie smiled back and replied with a small, "yes"

Linh bent over and gave him a kiss on the lips. It was sweet and short.

The break away when they hear a loud slamming noise. 

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