a day in atlantis: girls day

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A/N: this has no specific ship, its just a girls shopping day in atlantis! happy reading! -emily

3rd person pov

Sophie groaned. She and Linh were dragged here against their own will. Biana wanted to get their minds off of the Neverseen, so she planned a shopping trip in Atlantis. 

Biana squealed," Ohhh! we are going to go to that shop first!" It was 10:00 in the morning. They had just eaten gnomish produce. To Sophie, it tasted like waffles. (i love waffles) Biana pulled the two girls into a store full of dresses. "you two are going to try on at least 3 of the outfits i pick out for you." She started rummaging through racks and pulled out 3 outfits for Sophie: a two piece red jumper, a ice blue sun dress, and an ice blue V-neck floral lace prom dress. "These are gonna look great on you!"She then pulled out 3 outfits for Linh: a no strap silver dress with a shimmery top, a casual pale blue off shoulder with buttons, and a pale pink floor length dress. "Now: go to the dressing room and try them on!" 

Sophie Foster:

I actually kind of liked the red jumper. so i tried that on first. It looked good in the mirror. I may actually get this, i thought to myself. I took it off and tried on the floral ice blue sun dress. This was casual and comfy. Maybe Biana was right. These do look okay on me!  I took it off and finally put on the last dress. It was okay, but it wasn't my favorite. it was too fancy. I put the clothes back on the hangers and went out to pay for the two dresses. 

Linh Song:

These dresses are super cute! Biana has a great fashion sense. I try on the casual buttoned dress. It actually looks great on me! It brings out the color of my eyes. I try on the other dresses, but they are really uncomfy. So i decide to just get the one dress. 

Biana Vacker:

For myself i pick out a lace teal dress, a long purple dress, and a simple teal dress. I try on all of the dresses. They all are great! I'm getting all of them! i hope the girls like their dresses. I head out to pay.

3rd person pov

the girls come out of the dressing rooms and pay for their clothes. Linh compliments Biana on her great fashion sense. Sophie agrees. 

"aww thanks guys! now, off to the second store!"

Sophie groans knowing that this day will never end. 

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