When Words Fail: sophie x keefe

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A/N: this oneshot is inspired by the song When Words Fail from Shrek the Musical. Im a total theater nerd, i know. But i am writing this as i am listening to the song. this oneshot is basically about keefe getting up the courage to tell Sophie he likes her. happy reading! -emily

"You can do this." Keefe was pacing near the Panakes tree at Havenfield at 2am.  He planned to confess his feeling to Foster. She still wasn't getting the hint that Keefe liked her even after all of the subtle hints and flirtatious winks he kept giving her. 'Maybe it'll make me feel better if i rehearsed what i'm going to say aloud.' He thought to himself. He had to keep his voice down or else Foster, or worse Grady, might wake up. 

"Sophie, I.. How's it going first of all? Good? Uh, it's good for me too i'm okay." He took a breath and glanced at the sky.  "Oh look the moon is out tonight. You remind me of that moon because it's big and bright. And by big i don't mean chubby, obviously you're not fat. But your personality is biggish is what I meant by that. Sorry about that fat thing, I don't really know where that came from." Keefe nervously scratches his head. "Oh where am I going with this" He mentally facepalms himself. 

He hears a faint laugh behind him. He whirls around expecting to find Edaline or Foster. But he finds nothing. He shrugs it off. ''Okay Keefe: WHY ARE YOU BEING SO AWKWARD???? YOU ARE NEVER LIKE THIS. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE CHARMS AND SWAG?" he mutters to himself.

"When words fail what will i do? How will she know how I feel; when words fail, will I fail too?" Keefe takes another deep breath and thrusts out a brown flower with spotted golden flecks, "I picked this flower right over there, is where it grew. And I don't really like it, but it made me think of you. Because it's pretty.  Is what i'm trying to say, is that you are also pretty, and I like you anyway. So please accept this flower, with it's petals and a stem. which represent my feelings and tells you how, Oh, man, i'm in trouble." He kicks himself "What am I saying? I love the colors gold and brown! Get it together Keefe"

Keefe dejectedly sits down and faces the water. " I bet she still likes Fitz." he sighs" Do I have a snowballs chance? Are my prospects just too grim? I spent my life stuck in the mud, now i'm crawling out on a limb. If words fail she'll know what i mean. If words fail, she'll just take my hand. She sees me like no one else has. If words fail, she'll understand." Keefe stands up and is about to start throwing rocks at Foster's window when he hears a sniffle behind him. But when he turns around this time, he sees Sophie gazing at him with tears in her eyes. 


Sophie runs and throws her arms around him. "I-i will always love you Keefe, even if your father didn't." She looked up into his eyes "and I like the flower too" she smiles. 

Keefe's face went nuclear"I'll always love you too Foster. I'm glad you like the flower though. So um, question: was that you who laughed behind me earlier? And did you um, hear everything that i said?" 

Sophie pulled away and laughed. "yes. I couldn't sleep, so i was reading some human books Mr. Forkle gave me. I started to get tired and was about to close my curtains (pretend that sophie has curtains in her room.) when I saw you out by the panakes tree. I came up behind you, but you didn't notice me. I was going to say something but then you started talking to yourself. I realized that you were pretending to talk to me." Sophie hugged Keefe again, "Plus, I don't like Fitz anymore. That crush went away a looooong time ago." 

Keefe smiled. "Well fair princess, would you like to take a stroll down to the animal pastures?"

Sophie giggled, "Of course brave knight."

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