Victory Party pt 2

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A/N hope u like it!!!

Sophie slowly walked in to the ballroom. She gasped. The Foxfire ballroom was decorated all around. There were streamers and balloons. There was a dessert table filled with mallowmelt and custard bursts. It was beautiful. The councillors were chatting among themselves. Some were dancing. She locked eyes with Keefe. He looked so handsome in that red tie and black tux. Sophie sighed dreamily. 

"Ohh you love Keefe" Biana giggled. 

"Oh shut up and go find Tam or something"

"maybe i will!" Biana booped sophie on the nose and left to find Tam.

Keefe walked up to Sophie and asked her to dance. Keefe led her to the dance floor. They swayed along to the music. All of a sudden Keefe picked her up and twirled her in the air. 

"Keefe!" Sophie hissed, "what are you doing?!"

"well slow dancing was getting boring, and i wanted to do something different." Keefe started shimmying and wiggling his hips. Sophie couldn't help but laugh. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Biana and Tam dancing and staring into each others eyes. The couples danced and ate mallowmelt all night.

"everyone listen please. Thank you for coming to the victory party we hosted. Before it ends, i want to give out some awards. First Mr. Forkle and the Black Swan come onstage." Councillor Emery stated," Here is an award for helping defeat the neverseen. You played a big role." Mr. Forkle and the rest of the collective left the stage. The councillors continued to give out awards to all of Sophie's friends until it was just her who didn't get an award. "And finally Miss Foster come on stage." Sophie glanced at Mr. forkle who nodded and motioned for her to go up. "You played one of the biggest roles in defeating the neverseen. We thank you for that. In return, the Councillors have come to a decision. Would you like to become a councillor after you graduate the elite levels?"

The room went silent. Sophie was speechless. She looked at her friends shocked expressions. She looked at Mr. Forkle, who's face was expressionless. Finally she looked at Keefe. On the outside he was smiling, but Sophie didn't have to be an empath to know he was shocked and heartbroken on the inside. She finally spoke up,"I am honored that i was given this position, but i want to start living a normal life. Or as normal as it gets for me. Thank you for the award." And with that Sophie left the stage and went to her friends.

"You didn't have to give away a councillor postiton for us!!!!" Dex ran up and hugged Sophie. 

"I know I wouldn't give up a postition like that" Fitz cut in,"But i know why you made your decision. I'm pretty sure there is an blond guy with ice blue eyes in your future" Sophie smacked him in the arm. She continued to talk with her friends until Councillor Bronte made an announcement.

"The victory party has come to an end everyone. Thank you for joining us tonight." The councillors glittered away. Slowly people started to leave. 

"We are so proud of you sweetie!" Grady and Edaline ran up and hugged her. "We will go on home so you can talk to a certain ice blue eyed someone." Edaline smiled. She pulled a fuming Grady into the beam of light. 

"So Foster declines a position as a councillor? I wonder if she stayed for someone special" 

Sophie spun around. "Keefe" she blushed, flustered. She scraped together all the courage she had. "Maybe i did stay for someone special."

"Oh really?" Keefe seemed to step closer. "I wonder who that certain someone is. Can i guess?"

Sophie's heart was pounding wildly. "sure why not." she smirked.

"hmm is it the Fitzter? or maybe the Dexinator? Please tell me it's not Bangs boy!"

Sophie pretended to think " nope, he's my best friend, and no"

"Then who can it be Mysterious Miss F? Care to tell me?" Keefe smriked

"How about i just show you" Keefe's jaw dropped. Sophie got up on her tip toes and pressed her lips against his. She wrapped her arms around his neck. Keefe was surprised, but then he kissed her back. it lasted about 10 seconds, but to Sophie it seemed like forever. She finally pulled away with a smile on her face. "Did that answer your question?" Sophie held up her home crystal and stepped into the beam of light, leaving a speechless Keefe behind.

A/N how'd u like it? again it is my first story and i am not a professional writer! please comment advice or suggestions! -emily

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