Tam Song diary entry

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A/N: this is right after Flashback and the beginning of Legacy. Happy reading! -emily

Dear Diary, I did it. I joined the Neverseen. I had to protect Linh. i couldn't let her get hurt because of me. Today, Gisela had me training with Umbers old notebooks. Umber was fierce. Sophie explained how umber commanded the shadow flux. Gisella says I need to be able to do that. Yesterday, Sophie and Linh reached out to me telepathically. Linh begged for me to come home. I wanted to come back, but it wasn't that easy. I had to shut down the conversation. When I was first captured, a girl called,"Glimmer" bonded my hands. A telepath named "Gethen'' probed my mind. He found out Sophie's new ability and saw all of my memories with the Black Swan and my time during Exillium. I shut down the conversation with Linh because Gethen would know. I couldn't let him hurt any of my friends. The second time Sophie reached out to me, I almost yelled at her. What don't they understand about " DON'T CALL ME AGAIN BECAUSE GETHEN WILL KNOW''. Sophie asked if I had found out anything. I quickly told her about the one thing I knew: Gisella wanted me to kill her son. Gisella wanted me to kill Keefe.


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