always alone pt 1: dex x marella

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A/N: this oneshot is dexella. i don't really ship it, but they are cute together. happy reading! -emily 

Dex Dizznee:

i feel left out. constantly. everyone in my friend group has someone. Everyday after school the couples get together. Sophie has Keefe, Biana has Tam, Linh has Wylie, and Fitz met a nice girl in the elite levels! I am always alone. Marella and I are the only ones single. Well other than Stina. But stina's annoying. (imma just pretend that after Stina became a member of Team Valient *idk how to spell that* she became friends with Sophie) It makes sense that Marella and I should become a couple. We are the only ones left. While the lovebirds are hanging out together after school, me and Marella hang out at Slurps and Burps. We have really gotten close over the past few weeks. I am starting to develop feelings for her. but she'll never like me in that way.

Marella Redek:

Dizznee's adorable. His dimples are so cute! His smile lights up the room. He makes me feel happy. Too bad he doesn't like me. He'll never want to be married to someone who has a crazy mother. Today after school we are going to Slurps and Burps again. Maybe i will tell him then. I jut don't want to be rejected in front of his family. that would be so embarrassing. 

"Marella! Were you even paying attention?" My history mentor barked at me. 

Her tone snapped me out of my daydreams. "session's over. get out" she sighed.

I ran out as fast as i could. I put my stuff away at my locker and see Dex walking towards me. 

"Hey Marella! How was your day?"

"eh it was okay. i fell asleep in my last class. i missed a super boring lecture"

"good. are you ready to go?" I nodded. Dex took my hand and we ran to the leap master. My heart was beating like crazy. As we wait in line to go to Slurps and Burps, I see Sophie and Keefe come behind us. Oh no. Keefe is an empath and will probably say something to Dex about my crush on him! Keefe must have noticed my mood change because he looked at he and raised his eyebrows. he looked at dex and smirked. I glared at him until he stopped looking at dex weirdly. I gave him a look that said stop you're getting on my nerves. please don't mention the crush thing.  Keefe thankfully looked away. We said goodbye to the pair and stepped into the leapmaster. 

-------------------------time skip to when dex and marella are doing homework together at slurps and burps-----------------------

Dex Dizznee:

"FINALLY!! im done with Lady Galvin's essay!"

Marella giggled. Gosh she's so cute when she does that. 

"good job braggy pants" she smirked

"so what do we do now?" i ask her

"Truth or dare? we haven't played in a while" 

I hope i don't have to spill my crush. that would be horrible. "Uhm ok" 

"I'll go first. Truth or dare Dizznee"

If i do dare she could ask me who my crush is. But if i do truth she could still ask me who my crush is. I sigh. "dare"

Marella gets an evil look in her eyes. "I dare you to hail the person you have a crush on"

My face goes pale.

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