The pet shop: dex x linh

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A/N: sorry i haven't updated in a while. i was doing a virtual camp all the week. 

this is a dex x linh oneshot. no major spoilers. imma pretend that murcats are like cats. 

it's going to be a short oneshot, but hope u like it. there is going to be a reference to a book series in here. happy reading! -emily

Linh pulled Dex along the streets of Atlantis. The gang got together and played truth or dare, and Dex got dared to buy Linh a pet at the pet shop. 

The door of the shop jingled as the pair walked in. Linh's face lit up. 

"Awwwww! look at the murcats! I think Princess Purryfins (i don't actually know the name for her murcat, so i made up a name) needs a new friend!!!" 

Dex sighed."Don't you want to get a different kind of pet? I don't think Tam is fond of murcats." He laughed a little at the end. 

Linh ran over to the murcat section and scooped up two golden brown murcats. "Aww Dex can I get these ones?" She gave him puppy dog eyes. 

"Well, I would, but the dare only allowed you to get one animal. And if I let you get two animals, Tam would kill me."

Linh sighed. "Ok fine" She set down one of the murcats and proceeded to go to the checkout. 

After they had paid for the murcat, Linh pulled Dex into the store next to the pet shop. 

"Wait wait wait. what are we doing?" Dex stopped Linh.

Linh smiled. "Well, Mister FluffyButt needs a bed, food, a collar, and a hat!"

Dix sighed once again. He raised his arms in surrender.

Linh grinned. She led Dex into the store. She handed him Mister FluffyButt and ran to go get toys and food. After a good 45 minutes, Linh came back with a cart full of food, beds, hats, and toys. 

Dex's jaw dropped. "Are you sure you need all of that stuff?!"

Linh took the murcat from his arms. "Of course!"

After checking out, Linh held up her home crystal. They were whisked away by the light. 

Linh opened the door. "Tammy!! I'm home! Come meet your new brother!"

Tam slowly came downstairs and his jaw dropped to the ground. 

Tam pov:

I trudge downstairs and my jaw drops. 

Linh is smiling and holding a murcat and Dex looks like the bags on his arms are about to cut off his circulation. He is holding easily 10 bags of useless items that Linh made him get.

I sigh.

3rd person pov:

Tam sighed and helped Dex with the bags. 

Dex took this moment and quickly said goodbye to Tam and Linh. He was about to escape when Linh grabbed his arms. 

She frowned. "Say goodbye to Mister FluffyButt."

Dex inwardly sighed. "Goodbye Mister fluffybutt." 

Linh looked at him and grinned. "Thanks for the great day!" 

Dex smiled. "Of course." And with that, Dex left.

Tam glared at the murcat. Then he glanced at Linh. "Why'd you name it Mister FluffyButt?" 

Linh rolled her eyes. "If you'll excuse me, Mister FluffyButt and I are going to see Biana and Sophie. But before we go, Say goodbye to Mister fluffybutt"

Tam rolled his eyes. "I am not saying goodbye to a murcat."

"Say goodbye tammy"



Tam groaned. "FINE. goodbye mister fluffybutt"

Linh smiled and flounced away with  Mister FluffyButt in her arms.

A/N: who caught that reference? comment what book series it is from! 

keeper of the lost cities oneshots!!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum