the sliepnir: tam x biana [pt 3]

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A/N: Heyyyyy peoples. i've gotten a few comments to continue this series, so here ya go ;)


 Tam and Biana glittered onto the lawn of Everglen, still wrapped up in each others arms. 

"Are your parents home? Just curious."

Biana looked over at Tam and smiled. "No one is home." 

Tam smirked and hauled her inside her mansion of a house. 


[10 minutes later]

"Go deeper!" 

Biana huffed. "I'm trying!"

"No no no. You have to- THERE IT IS" 

"AAAHHURG" Her hands were attacking the controller. "Yes! I killed the spy!"

Currently, Biana and Tam were sitting on her bedroom floor playing Call of Dully or something. Sophie got Tam an X-BOX for some kind of human holiday, and Tam has been trying to teach Biana to play one of the many games he has gotten. 

"Good. Next time you go into deep into a cave, make sure you have your gun already cocked and loaded. You don't have any time for hesitation." Tam nodded thoughtfully. " The spy could have attacked you on the side, so make sure you are paying attention to your surroundings as well." He added as an afterthought. 

"Gosh, you're so commanding. I probably could have killed that rogue by myself, without your unwanted help." Biana pouted.

"Oh really?"

She nodded hard. "Of course."

Tam smirked and stretched on the beanbag chair he was inhabiting. "Then redo the round. Kill the spy by yourself."

Glaring at him, Biana accepted the challenge. She hit replay on the round and ventured into the cave, without Tam commenting on anything. At some points, he would laugh at something random she was either doing or not doing. Or he would shake his head at the screen. It was driving Biana absolutely insane. And Tam could tell. 

"Oh are you really going to the left?"

Biana studiously ignored him.

"Hmmmmm. Alright."

She was fed up. Turning around she was about to tell Tam off, that she didn't appreciate his comments about the way she played. 

"Worry about your own goshdam-" Tam silenced her by staring at the screen, jaw-dropped.

Then he started to laugh.

"What?-" Biana turned back around. "WHAT!"

When she had looked towards Tam to give him a piece of her mind, the rogue spy bot had come out of his hiding place and shot her. The bullet had killed her character. 

Biana just stared open-mouthed while Tam was howling on the ground. 

Accepting defeat, Biana pouted and threw the controller at Tam, effectively hitting him on the arm. 

"Sorry B, but MAN what a shot! You were distracted for 30 seconds-"

"Yes thanks for reminding me. Really lifting my spirits there."

"Aw, come on B. How about we play some Mario Kart 8?"

Perking up, Biana snatched the controller off the floor and smiled at Tam. 

"We will not speak of my devestating loss. Alright Bangs boy?" she smiled sweetly.

He gulped. "Whatever you say dearest."

A/N: yall didn't expect that did you? kinda made this up on the spot, so sorry for any plot holes or grammer mistakes lol.

also i've never played call of duty so sorry if how i described it was totally off

have a nice thursday!


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