im home: tam x biana

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A/N: this is a tiana oneshot. i can't decide who to ship biana with. Dex or Tam? comment who u think biana should be shipped with. note: in this oneshot biana and tam have been secretly dating while Tam was in the neverseen. happy reading -emily

Biana sits up in bed. She thought he heard a knocking sound. She shrugs it off and lays back down. Not as minute later, she hears a another quiet knocking sound. Biana opens the door to her room. She sees a man in a black neverseen cloak. She jumps back and grabs goblin throwing stars off her desk. 

"Come any closer and i will not be afraid to throw these at your heart!" She growls.

the figure softly laughed and threw back his hood. Biana dropped the throwing stars and gasped. She could never forget those pale blue eyes, silver tipped bangs, and his smirk. She ran and hugged the life out of him. She started sobbing.

"tam...i missed you s-so much! where have you been! how did you get into the house? i told you to c-come home at the last battle we had! w-what made you come home?" she choked out between sobs.

"biana, i came back for you. I contacted Fitz yesterday and told him to let me in tonight. Your mom's fine with it. Just so you know, I'm never going back to the neverseen. i'm home."

Biana pulled away from the hug, "y-you're not-t going b-back?" she stuttered. Hope flared in her chest. 

"yes biana. im staying."he said softly. Biana jumped up and gave him another hug. 

"i really missed you" she breathed

"i'm never leaving again" Tam pulled away and looked into her breathtaking teal eyes "i'm never going to leave you again" 

Biana was filled with happiness. the two went and cuddled until morning, sharing stories of how horrible the neverseen's food was and how the other day, iggy the imp pooed in keefe's hair. It didn't matter that Alden was going to kill her the next morning for cuddling with a boy (Not like that dirty minded peeps). All that matter was that tam was with her and never leaving again.

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