The Victory Party pt 1

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A/N: hey everyone! thanks so much for reading! this is my first ever story! note: i am not a professional writer. i will try to update as much as i can. pls vote and comment!!! all characters belong to the great shannon messenger! happy reading! -emily

They did it. They finally did it. Sophie and her friends have defeated the Neverseen! After 9 long hours, Lady Gisela surrendered to the Black Swan. The council decided to host a victory party, and the black swan and all of Sophie's friends were invited. Currently Sophie was laying on her bed trying hard not to eye roll at Biana, who was helping Sophie pick out her outfit for the party. 

"Ohhhhhh this one would look great on you!" Biana held up a long poofy lavender dress that changed colors when it moved. 

"nope. too poofy. i'll look like a balloon" sophie scoffed.

"you are no fun. Wait, what about this one?" she took out a casual red knee length dress. It wasn't too poofy or frilly, " Red is such a good color on you! Andddddd i know two certain boys will drool over it ;)"

Sophie blushed a deep red."I do not like anyone. Conversation about boys over." Sophie glared until Biana sighed and nodded" The dress is perfect though! It doesn't look like i can trip in it, so i think its a keeper." A/N see what i did there  "thanks so much Biana" Sophie put the dress on her bed and hugged her. 

"no problem! i love helping out with fashion! Can i come over tomorrow to help you with makeup and hair?" (the party is tomorrow night)

"Of course!" 

Biana's imparter beeped. "ugh. i have to go meet with my dad in atlantis. I have to go now, Bye Soph!"

"Bye Biana!" 

After Biana left, Sophie flopped on her bed. She had chosen to ignore Biana's comment about the two boys. But as she lay in her bed, she reconsidered her answer. Not that Keefe would ever like her, but a girl can dream. She used to like Fitz, but they both decided they would be better off as friends then anything else. They still have their cognate bond though. Usually around Keefe, her heart fluttered, but suddenly her heart has started beating out of her chest. Keefe was an empath, so he probably felt it. He never said anything about it, because he obviously doesn't feel the same way. Right? Sophie sighed and got ready for bed. Grady and Edaline came and kissed her goodnight. Sophie fell asleep dreaming of ice blue eyes. 

"WAKE UP" a voice jolted Sophie out of her dreams. "Come on! Get up! The party is in 4 hours!"

Sophie rubbed her eyes to find Biana trying to pull her out of bed. "what time is it?" she replied sleepily.

"2:00! you slept in! Now go get a shower so you can put on your dress!"

Sophie scrambled out of bed. She went to take a shower and soon put on her dress. While Biana was doing her hair, Sophie decided to confess. "Hey um Biana, so i know you love to meddle around in peoples relationships, so i need your advice. i like this guy but im pretty sure he doesn't like me back. what do i do?"

Biana rolled her eyes, "its Keefe isn't it." Sophie blushed, "finally! you are the last one to know!"

Sophie's heart stopped, "What?!?!?"

"everyone knows you like Keefe. And its pretty obvious he likes you back. he's had a crush on you for years!"

Sophie was shocked, "really?"

"umm duh."

"thanks for the advice Bi. So how about we move on from my love life and start talking about yours." sophie smirked. Biana blushed. "Tell me who you like while you are doing my makeup. Please..?" Sophie pouted

"fine why not. So uh ikindamaybeliketam."

"i didn't catch that Biana" Sophie smiled

"i kind of maybe have a crush on Tam."

"I KNEW IT!" Sophie burst out. "you two have been making heart eyes at each other for weeks now!" 

"Whatever! omg. we have an hour until the party!"

--------------------------------------------- time skip to the party cause im lazy :)---------------------------------

Keefe was nervous. Well, nervous was an understatement. He couldn't wait to see how foster looked. All of a sudden the doors of the Foxfire ballroom open. Sophie and Biana stepped in. Keefe was speechless. Sophie's hair was tied up in a half up half down do. She had on a knee length red dress that screamed 'Sophie'. In other words, she was drop dead gorgeous. Keefe slowly walked up to her. 

"Hey Foster, nice dress!" Keefe smirked. Sophie blushed. "May i have this dance?" Keefe wiggled his eyebrows causing Sophie to giggle.

"of course Keefe"

Keefe pulled sophie to the dance floor. He noticed she had on gold eyeliner that brought out the gold flecks in her eyes. Her hair smelled like vanilla. He could stand here dancing with her forever. Then he got a crazy idea.

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