Collage Days: Chapter 1

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A/N: this is a human au. it is the first chapter of my other book called Collage Days. Check it out! hope u like it! -emily

Sophie grabbed her bags and trudged them up to her new dorm room. She was about to start her first year at Foxfire collage. It was a really smart school and was hard to get into. She was overjoyed that she had gotten in. Her best friends, Dex Dizznee and Marella Redek also go in. It was going to be a great year. Sophie approached her dorm and unlocked it. She hoped Marella would be put in this dorm. She opened the door and found a girl with pale blue eyes and silver tipped hair sitting on the 'living room' couch.

Sophie put her bags down in a corner and waved shyly, "Hi! I'm Sophie Foster."

The girl waved back and motioned for Sophie to sit on the couch with her. "Hi Sophie! My name is Linh. Do you want to get to know each other?"

Sophie grinned. "I would love too." she replied.

Sophie found out that Linh was a shy girl who loved to read. She also had a twin brother attending Foxfire.

"Tam makes it seem like he's all emo, but on the inside he's a big teddy bear!" Linh laughed. "Maybe you'll have a class with him. He's really nice; once you get to know him of course. Now, i've told you about me. What about you?"

Sophie took a deep breath, "well i was actually adopted when i was young. I don't really remember much about my family, but I was adopted by Grady and Edaline Ruewen. They run an animal preserve. It's really cool!"

"Awww i love animals! Would it be okay if I visited to see the animals?" Linh gushed

"You can come over anytime. I am an only child. Anyway, I also have a love for reading. Right now i'm reading Percy Jackson and the Heros of Olympus series."

Linh gasps, "I LOVE THOSE BOOKS!!!!!!!!"

Sophie and Linh start talking about Percy and his friends. Linh thinks Percabeth is the cutest, but Sophie thinks Frazel is the cutest. They debate and gush over the characters for about an hour.

Sophie puts her hands up in defeat. "Okay fine. You win this argument. But before we spend another hour talking about books, do you mind showing me where my room is?"

Linh blushes, "I'm so sorry. Of course! Follow me!"

After Sophie gets her things put away, she and Linh go make some snacks. They had decided to watch Harry Potter.

"Okay so here's the plan. We eat all of the snacks and watch all of the mo-" Sophie was cut off by the door opening.

Linh looks at Sophie "that must be our other roommate!" Sophie and Linh rush to the door to introduce themselves.

A brunette with a pale complexion and striking teal eyes enters. "Hi, my name is Biana Vacker!"

"Hi Biana! Quick question: do you like harry potter?"

Biana lets out a squeal "Yes!!"

After a night of watching Harry Potter movies, eating snacks, and playing truth or dare, Sophie understands that this will be the best year ever.

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