If i could tell her: sophie x fitz/keefe

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a/n: this is also mostly sofitz with a little sokeefe. it is based on the song if i could tell her from dear evan hanson. it is SUCH a great show. i highly recommend you see it. happy reading! -emily

"He thinks you're awesome."

sophie looks over at Keefe with wide eyes. "He thinks i'm awesome? Fitz?"

Keefe glances back at her. "Definitely"

"How does he think i'm awesome? I'm just a mess of emotions..." She looks up at the sky in question.

Keefe inwardly sighs. Part of him knew he should be a good friend and urge Sophie and Fitz together, like Alden had said. But the other part told him to tell her that Fitz has a huge crush on her, but had said none of those things about her. It was him who had noticed these things about her. He thought she was awesome. But he knew even if he confessed his feelings, Sophie wouldn't like him back.

Keefe turned Sophie's chin toward his face. "you are not a mess of emotions. You are great just the way you are." He turned his gaze to the ocean in front of them. He hated lying to her, but he just wanted her to be happy. 

"Well, he said there's nothing like your smile, sort of subtle and perfect and real. He said you never knew how wonderful that smile could make someone feel. And though he wanted to, he couldn't talk to you. he couldn't find the way, but he would always say, 'If i could tell her. Tell her everything I see. If i could tell her, how she's everything to me.'"

Sophie now had her gaze focused entirely on him. "Did he say anything else?"

Keefe was snapped out of his daze. "Hhm? About you?"

Sophie blushed and looked away. "Nevermind. I don't really care anyways."

Keefe shook his head. "No, no, i mean, he said so many things i'm just- i'm trying to remember the best ones. Umm, he thought it looked really pretty er-you looked really pretty when you wore that deep red tunic to school a couple days ago." 

Sophie blushed. "He did?"

Keefe nodded. "And he wondered how you learned to dance like all the rest of the world isn't there. But he kept it all inside his head, what he saw he left unsaid. He w             ould always say: 'if i could tell her, tell her everything i see. If i could tell her, how she's everything to me. but we're a million worlds apart. and i don't know i would even start."

"Lately he's seemed so far away and distant. Is this because he doesn't know how to tell me he likes me?"

Keefe nodded. "Yeah. He never knew how you would take the news. He always thought you liked someone else. That's why he never told you. He was so scared of how you would react. He knew you would never like a scared, broken helpless bo-" He stopped himself. He was talking about why he could never tell her. "I mean- uh -he knew you would never want to live with the pressure of the infamous 'Vacker Legacy'."

Sophie slowly nodded. She was confused on why he was talking about himself at first, but she shrugged it off. "it's like I don't know anything."

Keefe regained his composure and continued. "He would always ask me: How do i say I love you"

Keefe looked at Sophie "I would respond with "just say to her face. Put emotion into it." Keefe took a deep breath. "I love you"

By this point Sophie and Keefe were a few Inches away from each other. 

Keefe awkwardly cleared his throat and looked away. Sophie was blushing madly.

Sophie stood up. "Thank you for telling me, Keefe. I'm going to see Fitz now. I finally have the courage to tell him I like him back. Bye!" she started walking off.

Keefe rushed to catch up with her. "Wait!" Sophie turned back to look at him. "Don't mention what i said to you. He'd kill me if he knew i told you what he said about you. Please don't tell him."

Sophie shrugged. "Okay." She went over and hugged him. "Thanks. I really appreciate you."

Keefe was shocked But he slowly melted into the hug. He reluctantly pulled away. 

"Go get him."

Sophie smiled and disappeared into the pastures to get to the leapmaster.

Keefe sighes and slunk back over to the panakes tree. "But we're a million worlds apart. And I don't know how i would even start. If I could tell her. I I could." 

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