What happens when Olivia goes out?

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So, I got to go -SHAPOW- out of the house today!(weird, I know!)

We went thrift shopping... and Ona-chan had twenty bucks in her pocket. XD

And we went to a buffet. My... favorite... buffet. OuO I think I may have overdosed on amaze food-- Wait, I just remembered, I still have some fudge from that excursion. Yum. *^* I will never take a steak from the open grill without triple-checking it, though. The nice young man behind the grill did an excellant job, though. ^J^

Holy shit. Why am I thinking about humans. Gross. Moving on.

Apperantly, I am not a shoe-shopping person(unless it's leather and knee-high, of course), as I found out at Big 5. I shadowed Mutti instead of checking out the girls' shoes, hanging with her and bruder(ja, we got hermit bruder out of the house! Amaze, right?!), though I was banished for being snappish...


But, after about twenty minutes of me pretty much whining about 'why must I get new shoes when I have my sandals from last year that still fit', I have a shiny new pair of shoes... that won't hurt my feet when I dance in them, and they're styled so my feet look dainty~! I do not have dainty feet. I have hiking, fighting, kicking and running feet, made for beating the shit out of people and kicking faces into the curb and rough use. 

So, they might be weird, though, because... at least two of my toes are entirely uinnatural. My mother says she has never seen someone get blisters on their toes in these weird spots from dancing before.

Oh.. I got Lord of War today. eue We each got to pick out movies at the pawn shop, and I haven't seen that one in forever.

Go watch this movie. Good boy turns heavy arms dealer.

Gots to go, loves, but I'll be back-- I actually have no idea. eventually. Whatever. Byes. O-O

Stop reading. No more. The chapter is over. Go home, reader, and stop reading.


Life of a teenage creepOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora