When I babysit(no idea what part, lol)

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I told my nephew that if he was good while I was babysitting him, then I'd give him a pack of poptarts.

He was pretty good, but yesterday, when our good buddies, the neighbors gave him a brand-new package of cookies(no, these aren't the kind of people to poison your kids), he ate all of them and didn't give his special-needs little sister a single one. So, I left him a note taped to the package of exactly one poptart, not two.

This is the note.(I apologize for not having a picture, my camera's broken)


       I said I'd give you a full package if you were good, and you have             

       been(mostly), but I figured you'd be full from all of those cookies you ate.:)

                                -Aunty Olivia

(P.S. If it helps, I gave the other one to Clara.)

I'm kinda looking forward to the talk about sarcastic snarky notes left on poptarts. This will be interesting.

Life of a teenage creepOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora