And they say I have an Internet addiction. -_-

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Yes, my dear friends, I have not been online in three whole days. I checked. You may ask, 'WHY THE FRACK AREN'T YOU ON?!', and I would tell you to calm down. then you'd ask more calmly and get your answer.

I would say, "I'm sorry, but I'm busy writing a book on paper, as I've told you before, and I can't just stop! I've already gotten to the 104th page and I'm in the middle of a huge meeting!"

Yes, the reason I'm on at all is because it's still a fanfic and I needed research on Germania.

So sorry.

I've ignored my internet friends. That was wrong of me. I can't promise about getting on more, since I managed to start writing at around three in the afternoon and then look up from it and find it was two AM, so I tend to lose track of time.

Ok, I could probably be on more if I worked at it, but that would require me working on it.

And I don't work a lot. XD

So, I leave you with the words of my sister, Fiona as we part.

"Olivia, you can't keep busting in my room! What if I was naked in here?!" -Fiona

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