THIS is what happens when I get ahold of yarn.

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So, just to let everyone know, I have very weird hobbies.

I have the usual girl hobbies, doing Sorella's nails(when she'll let me), cooking, sometimes cleaning, eating chocolate and all that jazz.

But, I have weirder hobbies that don't seem to be considered 'girl things' anymore, such as shooting guns? I love guns. Gunas are beautiful creatures made to dtake animals' lives that me and my future children may live and thrive on the flesh of the beasts of the earth.

Whoa, little bit of a Bible moment there.

Anyway, my hobbies! Eating meat, bothering mutti to teach me to cook even more stuff, baking, jumping out and scaring people, crocheting, walking long distances when I'm bored, walking my dog, picking up the bird legs that the owls down at the park drop, finding live ammunition and shit like that, just tiny, beautiful things, and putting them in my box.

Basically, if I'm not on the Internet, I'm doing something with my hands.

So, I hadn't crocheted in a while, though, until about three days ago.

L;et me make this clear, I had already put three skanes of blue yarn into this blanket. It was used for a while, floating around the house during the summer, taking a turn on Mutti's bed, being a dog blanket for a while.

Basically, I lost interest for a bit.

Then, it started getting cold, going into October recently, and Mutti brought it out, saying, "Hey, you should work on this again!"

Naturally, I did. I found some more blue yarn and set to work crocheting. I used up my first skane after four or five lines, having to add in some red stripes then, and finally got ahold of a second skane of the same blue (there are a shitload of blue shades in yarn, bros) so I got to crochet whilst Mutti read Shogun aloud to my Sorelli and I.

Then, I ran out of yarn. I had had my dog curled up at my feet on a quilt I had folded for her old bones to be comfy on, when I relized that there was an inch of yarn left.

"Mutti, yarn. Need.... yarn. Now." I had stared at it for a good five seconds before resolving to tear the house apart to find more yarn, since I was in the middle of a line and couldn't just switch over to red right then.

So, I had to stop crocheting. 

It majorly sucked, since I love the repetitivness of crocheting.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Crocheting is not a 'girl thing'. Crocheting was actually invented by fishermen as a way to make nets more quickly and easily. Crocheting is a gender-neutral activity, and anyone who says it's a 'wussy girl thing' is getting a white flag up their ass. 

Anyway, I get to wander around aimlessly now, maybe cooking or something. So, the gist of my day so far?

-Wore a rainbow-y hat with a bell on top that Sorella made for me.

-Scavenged for yarn

-Made some notes on HTML and some URL lines.

-Flipped out over not being able to get into my Skype as soon as I got my webcam up and running.

-Worked on this chapter of this book.

-Decided I should update all of my books today.

-Failed at updating all of my books today

So, everyone gets a hug and a kisses for today! *hugs and kisses* 

Wait, something else!

I also found that I can say 'I love you' in, like, eight languages. Watch!

I love you(English- still counts. XD)

Ich leibe dich(German- mah fave)

Te amo(Spanish- the language of ***romance***)

Ti amo(Italian- totally different from Spanish and one of my favorite languages)

Jeg elsker deg(Norweigan- don't ask me how or why I know this)

Ashiterou(I can never get the spelling right, but it's Japanese. XP)

Wo ai ni(Chinese- they should have said this at least once in Mulan. :U)

Ya tebya lyublyu(Russian- I can even get this in the Cryllic writing~! I love memorizing letters and characters from other languages and alphabets)

J'et aime(French- the language of luuuuuuv)

Ri rove roo, Raggy(Scooby-Doo- Jk, jk. XD)

So, I guess that's how many I've got memorized so far. I'm a total nut for toher languages, mostly German and other stuff with awesome pronunciations. I love the ~sounds~. Seriously, speaking other languages is as close to the perfecty French kiss as I've ever gotten. XDD

Yes, I capitalize the French in 'French kiss'. I do it with French fries, too, because no matter what the context, it's a nationality, and therefore must be capitalized.

Oh yes, that's  another hobby:

Being a total language correctness nut. I love grammar and spelling and sentence structure and punctuation and all that jazz.

I may have left out my hobbies of hating on myself and reading like a librarian with no life.

So that's what I do pretty much every day, when I'm not going into town with Mutti and mein familie or babysitting or doing Mutual on Wendsdays.

OMGOODNESS yeah, there's a frakin' stake dance this week (or maybe it already happened...) But I never get to go to them, right? I'm a great dancer, though. It's yet another hobby. Dancing wildly like no one is watching, even when Sorella is there. She's pretty much the only one I can relax around. Wonder why.

So, yeah, got to get schooled on square-dancing a while ago. Rocked balls at it. I swear, I got the best team, comprised of people who were fairly enthusiastic, my IRL OTP, and the new girl! AND SORELLA. I got paired with Sorella (She took the lead. XD She's always making jokes about her topping me, which actually makes me really uncomfortable deep down inside, but I'm just as much of a creep so I can't say anything, so I just brush it off and perv back at her...) and I swear, I was skippin' and hoppin', and do-sie-so'in' like there ain't no tommorow, ladies!

In short, I'm a great dancer, great at following directions, spoken of written, and -gasp- I got to dance with the adorable carrot-top himself, Let's-Just-Call-Him-Sam-Daily.

Nope, don't like him. He's one of the pair in my IRL OTP, mind you. My buddy, @witchkatlover and he are the cutest couple EVER but now she's all hangin' thinking IggyBrows is the shiz, and all that shit. Yes, I call one of my friends IggyBrows, even though he doesn't watch Hetalia, he still goes with it, and sometimes messes with my head by luxouriously stroking an eyebrow at me. It's hilarious, really. XD

So, yeah, IggyBrows asked my buddeh, as mentioned before, Kat, out to that dance I mentioned, right? I decided to have a talk with him, since I'm protective. It went something like this:

Wait, I think I went over this already. Fuck. Lemme check..

COMPUTING..... LOADING... ||||||||||||| 20% LOADED.......... |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 100% PERCENT LOADED.

Yeah, prett sure I did that already. Anywway, in short, I threatened to make sure they'd never find his body if he hurt mi amigo.

So, yeah, there's some shit about me for your day.

Nice talkin' to y'all!

Auf wedersein~! ^J^ (No fucking idea if I actually spelled that right. I haven't opened my German Grammar book in three days. T^T)

P. Sp.

TOTALLY FOUIND SOME MORE FUCKING YARN OH HELLZ YEAH Now I get to crochet as much as I like! ^J^ aaaand this is getting published the day after. Dumb timelines. 

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