How I got my internet back.

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So, most everyone knows that I lost my internet for a while, right? Well, I earned it back!

This is the story of how that happened.

Ok, so,  there's this passage in the back of our house, right? (more on our house later, cuz I feel like writing this-- am I writing an index of my life? Kinda, I guess.... weird.) So, it had soooo much shit in there, I mean, it was filthy.There were spiders and shit and weird stuff that might have once been a melon.

So, anyway, I made a deal with the Mutti(Read: the Devil/a Russian mob boss or something to that extent) to clean the back passage in exchange for my internet back and ten bucks, right?

Now, for a job like this, anyone else I woulda charged twenty bucks at least, but I'm highly aware of my family's financial issues, so I took the original offer of ten.

So, I filled I think, like, between four and eight black bags with trash from back there.

Now, the original reason I was cleaning at all? Mind you, I never clean. I'm a slob. I can clean, I just don't particularly enjoy it. I can actually do a damn fine job of cleaning, but I feel like it degrades me in the eyes of my superiors and if I do it in front of people, they'll think that I'm less than them or something. I don't know, I have issues.

Anyway, this happened because our friendly neighborhood awesome people said they'd pay for us to do a dump run.

So, we got rid of the (ruined) couch that my nephew destroyed with a multitude of wet nights, and loaded the truck with the crap we didn't need. So, it was a major cleaning day yesterday, and I did the back passage all by myself(so proud) and earned ten bucks, which is like a fortune to the children of my family.

Let me explain.

Now, we've never been rich. Dad was originally a brilliant construction worker, but there was this accident and he ended up on LNI, and after that he didn't get to go back to work, since he had back problems and a club foot and all kindsa crap, so, we never had an abundance of cash. If not for my mother's money handling and kid-raising skills, we would have starved at several points.

So, we've never been rich, or even 'comfortably well-off' at my place. Mom always makes sure that there's food, but my childhood was spent eating once in a while, watching recorded episodes of The Backyardigans and the like, playing Putt-Putt Saves the Zoo and games like or Crash Bandidicoot and shit.

Also, I never swore until I was about ten or eleven. That was when Ma told my big brother that he could say 'ass' if he was calling his dad that, cuz we're whiny manipulative brvats enough to ask something like that. From there, it went on, evolving until I swear like Peter Griffin falling down the stairs.

So, basically, we're kinda broke. Now, there's a difference between broke and 'poor'. We have class, generally. We have high moral codes(once again, generally) and, sure, sometimes we act like rabid hyenas trying to tear each other's throats out, but it can be pretty chill, here, too.

Anyway, where was I? My internet, riht? Well, fuck that, cuz I'mma tell y'all about my day so far.

Niow, some of you may know this, but I'm a Mormon girl, though I prefer the term 'LDS, single and fun' (JK, totally lovin' chu, Roma, babe.) and I'm not a very good Mormon, but I try, right?

So, part of being an LDS teenager is... *drumroll* Getting up early.

There's stuff like semanary, and early morning temple trips, such as the one I went to today. I had to get up at six AM, which is unheard of for me, and then I got to get dressed up nicely and shit and go out, for an hour-long ride into town(yeah, I'm lucy enough to have the temple nearby. Some LDS church-goers have to go hundreds of miles to get to the nearest temple, due to anti-Christian countries and such) and then walk through the brisk autumn air into the cool temple and then -gasp-

do baptisms for the dead! Unlike what they say, we don't baptise dead people, we take their spirits upon ourselves to give them the oppertunity to get into heaven or some shit like that.

Then, we all went to IHOP, and I totally got cheesecake pancakes with strawberries.

I never get to go to IHOP. I concidered fast food a special treat when I was little tiny, but now we kinda ended up eating it more often, cuz of the move and simply not being able to get home to eat very quickly.

And I hate hotdogs. Just putting that out there. Burgers are the best, though, and properly made, they do not, in point of fact, have 'greasye' or anything, but should actually be fairly dry, the moistness coming from the various awesome sauses that all the other countries are jealous that we thought of first or something.

I have no idea what I'm talking about.

Anyway, IHOP, I suspect this one kid might 'like' me, and what else...

Oh, yeah! Sorella and I took a walk down to the park, then to the bridge and then down along the dirt road to the south-west of our house. Sorella walked through a huge puddle, so I held the dog's leash.

Yeah, I have a dog. She is awesome. My hund, Doofus, is totally spectacular, man. Black and white Aussie shepard, fast as all hell when she wants to be, slow like a sloth the rest of the time. She's gonna get a whole chapter about her. She's seven this year. I got her for my birthday. X3

Ok, anyway, signing off until dishes and various chores are done and I can write again,

-Olivia, sound in neither mind nor body.

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