What happens when I play Sims

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So, Sorella got Sims for the Wii a few days ago.. (Yes, we have a Wii, but don't judge, we only had the cash for it because mein mutti is a total Irish penny-pincher. Cut her and she'll bleed green, man.)

Now, I finally got a game, where we shared a house, Sorella and I, with two unnamed-for-now people.

I got to play this late at night.

I get very giddy and voice-over-y at night.

So, I sat there, making Sims and playing with them, saying a dialouge much like this;

"Oh my gosh, you're so fat. Look at you, shave off some-- oh, you're anorexically thin now, get some muscle, yeah that's the stuff, right there, oh yeeaaahhh~ Wait, what the fuck-- No! Not ike that, dammit, that's the wrong fucking nose! NO! NO! NO! DIE BITCH-- Ok, I'm sorry, little Sim, please don't die or anything? Good boy. Now go and get your little-- why is my character wearing a maid suit to bed, what the fuck?! Holy shit, is my character into the naughty LARPs~?! That's just wrong-- holy shit they wear their hats to bed! If I do that I get a fucking rats' nest in my hair! No fucking fair, bitches! Go fucking fix that damn toilet, or I'll kill you off like I did before! No, Sorella, I am going to keep them all alive this time. I mean it, I won't kill half of them off again, I swear! I'll keep the little diamonds in the green zone, kay? Ohhh, not like that, bro, just-- holy shit I live with you and only just met you?! Why didn't I have full fucking friend bars when we moved in together?! that's shit-- oh, your little guy is making out with that little guy... gross.... oh, there's a 'try for a baby' option~? Go for it, Sorella. Bang that Sim so hard. Shit, he hates you now. He doesn't want kids... Shit, I should force him to be around children to punish him! Ok, get the fuck away from the boom box, right now or I'm going to starve you to death like a fucking Siberian ice field-- good girl, now go to bed-- fuck, stay in bed! You are not-- Dammit, Sorella, can I sell the fucking boom box?! Why the fuck not?! Dammit!"

That the gist of my talks during Sims. That's when I'm not doing other stuff, too. XD

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