You find the most interesting stuff in my house.

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Messing around this morning, looking fo pasta to cook up really quick for breakfast,(yes, I actually eat pasta for breakfast and it hs ((almost)) nothing to do with Hetalia), I found a book.

Now, there were three anciant books, just sitting on a back pantry shelf(this is not uncommon, my house has twenty times as many books as people, if not more) and I looked at them.

Atlas Shrugged...


and Armageddon.

Now, my brain goes, "Hey, yo, Liv, if that', like, a book versoin of that awesome movie, it probs has great feels and excellent writing!"

And so, I now have a book set in Berlin, right after WWII, with the soldiers who chose to stay and hang out instead of run home to enjoy the benefits of peace.

It sounds so fucking cool, like, seriously, I love this kind of stuff. World War Two. Military. Aftermaths. What actually happened, or at least a fictionalized history state of the story.

Why... why... why is his song playing? 

You have to deal with the song that has been playing in my house almost non-stop for three days.

It's wonderful.

So bouncy and dancy-dancey. 

And my horse head mask is almost here~

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