I really need to stop this.

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Now, with the realization that my older sister is a party animal, came the realization that with how otften I babysit for her, I could easily start charging her monies for my work.

Boss plan. I actually get paid for working.

Moving on, I ended up staying the weekend at my sister's place for two... three, maybe more, reasons.

1. I had a lovely political arguement with my brother, who is, sadly, a low-information voter who doesn't understand shit about America, so I volunteered to stay just to get away from him.

2. My sister, that beautiful blonde with high alcohol tolerency, wanted to party this week, but my brother-in-law(who is totally fucking awesome) works nights, while she works days, so I have to be there for a few hours to watch my niblings(which is the gender-neutral word for the child of your sibling, or so Tumblr claims) while my sister is out boosting her self-esteem and her husband is out working like a boss.

3. I was offered 25 dollars to do the job, I believe, because it's a two-day all-nighter, which usually costs twenty dollars a night, but because she's family, she gets a discount.

4. Because of reasons which will now be explained below.

I have met my youngest nephew three times, now. First, the day he was born. Second, when I was driving with my sister and we visited my brother, who showed us his beautiful baby boy, all healthy and safe and shit. Third, today, when my beloved brother stopped by with his son, who irionically could be called Nick Jr., because that's kind of his actual name. He's a Junior, so.... yeah, he's screwed once he hits high school.

Anyway, My brother showed up, and he and the BIL are hanging on the porch, so I walk out into the fourty-degree weather to go meet my nephew when he'll actually remember me.

Yes, where I live, fourty degrees (farenheight, which I find odd that the Germans don't use, since the word farenheight is actually German) is considered t-shirt weather, easily. I also almost never wore shoes until I move away from the glass-filled alley, which I never cut my feet in once in all the time I lived there.

Back to the program, I get out there to find this beautiful big baby boy all bundled in a blanket in his carrier, nd I start getting all these horrible, feminine baby-loving feelings.

Let me clarify; one of my newest catch prases is "I hate kids."(to which my sister follows with, "Like that..." ) Now, I'm known as a huge emotionless hardass who doesn't give a shit about people, and I have been for a very long time.

This kid was making me doubt the philosophy that all small children are evil.

He just had the biggest blue eyes, just like his dad's, and these awesome little curls, that literally were corckscrewing only an inch from his scalp, just beautiful light brown hair and prfect little chubby hands.

He was cute as a chibi, and just as fun. I asked if he wanted milk, so he shook his head like a cartoon character, all adorable and shit.

And the little guy had an attitude. He came in the house after a while(I guess my bro and the BIL got tired of the manly cold-standing. lol.), and got set down in the living room, whre he pulling himself onto his feet, and made for the DVD shelves,

Now, my other nephew, my sister's son, looked at this awesome little boy, and said "Hy, don't touch those!"

The kid looked at him straight in the eyes, turned, pulled four or fie movies off the shelf, and looked straight back at him. The message was clear.

What are you going to do about it?

I think this is the most awesome baby boy I've ever seen. He fell over twice, didn't cry at all, just got up and kept moving with a cute little oblivious look on his face. It was beautiful.

So, I got to watch him for a while(my niece got sooo jealous! XD) before my brother had to get ready to go, at which point the subject of me firing my therapist today came up.

That quickly turned into a religon debate.

I fucking love debate with my family.

He decided to go with the apostate approach, while I waited until he was done before calmly making my points, all of which he had to admit were correct.

Damn, I love being right, and being well-informed. As my mother once put it, her children are 'Information junkies'. We'll read legal papers happily if she leaves them around, and most every one of us can understand every word of the conviluted bullshit.

As he left, still muttering something about how 'actually good people don't need the promise of life after death to be good', I just miled at him and his self proclaimed, inadvertently(He likes to claim that it's all just his opinion, but he's a total apostate. It's sad, really.), 'anti-religion' thoughts, I shook my head, getting his attention before he closed the front door.

I looked him right in the eyes, and told him what I've found to be true every day of my life.

"Church if what you do on Sundays, Nicky. Religon is how you live you life every day that you're still breating." He laughed at that, having to admit that I was completely correct.

Now for a rant about Pirate!Talia fanfics, really just pirate stereotypes in general, just because I need to get it out.

Why. Is. Every. Fucking. One. Kidnapping.

Seriously, I go to look for Pirate!Britain fanfics, and it's all this crap of 'he kidnpped me oh I love him now'.

Fuck that, bitches.

I mean, every single one, even fucking Pirates of the Carribean use the kidnapping shit. First movie, the Black Pearl, Elizibeth gets kidnapped by the pirates.


Now, I recently read one of these kidnapping fanfics for the big-browed wonder himself, and I go really angry.

I decided right then that I needed to create a new, better pirate fic for that valiant character.

That was three days ago.

I have written ten chapters since then in my new pirate fic, which I will probably be publishing on Monday, my time(sorry, Australia. X3).

Now, this is a completely original idea, but for the characters and theme, which are still Hetalia. I decided to break the kidnapping pirate mold and go my own way, writing a new idea so daring that mo Hetalian will be able to resist it!

No, I'm not going to fucking tell you what it is! You gotta wait!

I might publish it today, actually.(lol, it's 2:43 A.M. here right now) So maybe you lot will get the pirate fic of your dreams!

And now for a small rant/analogy of sip fics.

There's a fuckton of Gerita on the shelf, people.

Figure this out.

We need more Spamano and SuFin andDenNor, dammit!

I get the feeling that people assume that such popular ships as those mentioned must already have a flooded market, because surely, people will write books for Spamano if they'll write them for Gerita, right?

Wrong. The internet is horribly short on good Spanamo fics, people.

We need to fix this. Gerita has wayyyy flooded the economy on this, and honestly, if you don't know the difference between your and you're(hint: the apostraphe means you fucking are, the lack of both apostraphe and the E means it fucking belongs to you), get the fuck away from writing.

Any beautiful idea you had for a fanfic was prematurely murdered by your lack of grammatical education, and the fact that you want to make another shitty Gerita.

Go to English class, dickwads. It'd do you some good to actually learn while you sit on your asses eight hours a day.

Anyway, Merry Christmas, everyone, (fuck you, taliban, I'm celebrating His birth) and please, for the love of all that is holy, get some sleep.

Life of a teenage creepOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora