Semi-follow-up chapter; Olivia has had an epiphany.

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Ok, y'all. I admitted how much I adore Germany, but today, I've had some of the nasty shit that's come from there harshly shoved in my face. Yup. I got ahold of the Eisbrecher 'This is Deutsch' music video, even in America, I swung it.

Why the fuck would you embrace neonazism?

Why would you taint a perfectly good country with that originally Austrian shit?

Seriously. I first watched the lyric video, halfway crying, snuggling a cat for comfort, and then I go to watch the music video.

Total bullshit. No wonder they don't want other countries seeing it, it's a bunch of nazi crap.

My mind is blown, quite painfully so.

And so, an open letter to the German people, der Deutsch Mann;

Hey, fellas. You obviously need a gentle guiding hand in the correct direction, away from being a nazi imperialistic country. My advice? You should want to be the best you can be and shuck off the burdens of past generations misguided by fear and wrongly placed faith. I have no problem with you being obsessively orderly, but, heck, kids, get your heads in the game! Nobody liked that crap before, and you're smarter than to walk the path of destruction. Save face and revert your government, guys. You can be as OCD as you want, just keep it in your borders and don't start worshipping the Earth and commiting genocide. Get some manners, and go bury your nose in a bible. Also, kick out those terrorists-in-training. You don't need that shit in your country. Say a prayer for your leaders and have a fucking revolution. It worked for us, it should work for you. Reset the system before you -gasp- end up like how America is going, where we're being ruled with exactly what we forcefully removed ourselves from Britain for. Let the past go, and move forward. The Jews never did anything to you, and neither did the blacks and gays. One of my favorite quotes, you know. "Love them how they are, but fight for them to be great men and great women, as God intended them to be." That doesn't mean kill them, or force them to be how you think they should, but rather to-- actually, the Prussian motto, "Suum Cuique" comes to mind. To each their own. Let them make their own choices, but try to be a good example at the same time. Live and let live, guys. You don't have to rule the world to make it a better place. Go back and review the code of the Templar Knights. Right there, you see those rules? That's pretty much my beliefs, summed up roughly. Take those and get a nice tattoo on the bqck of your hand, so you can be reminded of what is right. Choose the right, when a choice is placed before you. Let your guiding star be high morals and flawless ethics.

End of letter.

So, driven to prayer and patriotic American pro-conservitive music, basking in healthy surroundings, I wonder why.

Why Mein Kampf(Hitler's semi-autobiography, basically a nazi bible) is going to be legal in their bookstores again.

Why anyone would embrace mass homicide with a smile on their face.

Why I couldn't have my wits about me enough to see when evil comes in a bouncy metal-electropop package.

Why they have to take something that could be beautiful and sully it with malignant intent.

This is why I'm going marine when I'm old enough. We need someone with an ounce of sense in their heads to set this shit straight. So, yeah. I need a hug or five, and I think this has, what do they say, put the fear of God in me? Indeed, even semi-obsessive cleaning hasn't made me feel better, even though I usually like cleaning other people's houses.

So, I admit. I feel kind of depraved and sullied, now, and not sure if it's ok for me to like Eisbrecher anymore, since now I'm reading all sorts of shit into their lyrics.

Someone either comfort me or give me a fucking razor.

I don't cry over shit, but this brought me damn near to tears. I seriously need a punching bag, so I can safely beat the shit out of something and be angry instead of sad, especially since I've been studying the Hitlerjugend and it's depressing to my ultra-American views.

So.... I don't know. I'm kinda empty now. It's like finding out your hero is a child molester and serial killer-- oh, wait. That's pretty much it.

My damn inner writer wants me to write a realistic fanfic to get the point across that those damn writers that pose the Allies as the bad guys are wrong. I thank @Gil_and_Ludwig, because they realize in their fanfics just how awful the actual history was, and people should see that, gosh, the entire world is going downhill, and Germany is gradually reverting to a nazi mindset. They've got the anti-semitism already, look it up, they're defacing synagogues like it's a brand new game.

Hey, bastards. I'm Jewish by blood. Come fucking get me. Ausdulden, Hündinnen.

Yeah. All the subverted guilt for liking all that crap came down like a ton of bricks.

I have been hit with bricks.

It is not fun with only one brick.

It hurts like hell with one ton of bricks.

Bricks are sharp, and heavy.

I totes feel deserving of the bricks, though.

Mom was right, y'know. Evil likes to wrap itself up in finery and say it's good, and Satan appears as an angel of light, but it doesn't change the fact that it's evil.

And, cutting off the odd liking I have for weird shit, I see that all bad actions come from a twisted good intention. The worst kind of evil is the kind that truely believes it's doing the right thing, for it will fight to the death for its' cause, no? Gosh, I should remember the original quote. Oh, well.

Today has been a learning experience, certainly, though I'm still kind of in shock about this.

Exhausted and worried and just a tad bit of the seldom-felt fear,


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