Fishing- live to walk another day!

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So, today I had to go fishing.

was making a Sim (that looked exactly like me, everyone said so) until Mutti said 'gotta go to the fishes noo.' or something along those lines.

Yet again, I caught nothing. 

But, I did have something happen.

Something fun.

And dirty.

And exciting.

We went to a new place today (they closed down the old fishing spot for some reason, you can ask if you really want some backstory there) so, I was there, there were a couple of old guys (my favorite kind or guy, but not like THAT, they just always have cool stories and they're awesome to hang with) and then a couple of young guys (not my favorite kind. XD)

Then, I started finding shells.

There were a crap-load of snail shells there.

I have always loved snails.

When I was little, I dug halfway under a concrete porch to get snail shells.

Then I would walk along rivers and pick up the shells.

I like living snails, too. We have a great frakin' HUGE one in our aquarium called NuNu.

So, I was sitting at the foot-and-a-half, two-foot wide slats of concrete that made up the boat loading dock we were perched on, and picking snail shells from the mud and rocks in-between, right?

So, I started finding little alive snails and stuck ten or eleven on the back of my hand and watched them wiggle, then ran off to show Sorella.

Bad idea for me.

I showed her, then saw


There were shells over in the muddy, dirty, rocky area they were in!

So, naturally, I walked along and took the best shells before they could get them.

Survival of the person who gets there first.

So, walking along, I reach the veeery end of the little strip of muddy bank, and see the perfect, glittering white snail shell, sitting right next to the waterline.

Let me explain something.

Where I live, if you walk right next to the lake, you're gonna get wet. Big time.

I made the mistake of stepping onto the soft mud there, reaching forward, putting all my weight on that leg, the shell juuust outside my reach, the smooth swirl right in front of my fingers...


My foot sank into the mud up to my knee.

Now, i was -and still am- wearing long jeans, my nice (though they DO have a couple holes in them) jeans, the pretty faded blue ones that I wear around the house.

So glad I didn't wear my nice jeans.

I was -and still am- wearing my white Burkie sandals. I tried to pull my foot out of the mud, laughing my ass off at my own fail.

"Sorella? Come here real quick!" I yelled a few times before she came, and found a (cool-looking hobo-y awesome) dude looking at me from about ten feet away from on top of the embankment. I waved, stuck up to my knee in mud, the other sinking rapidly, my white leather sandal in a vacuum seal to the mud as I tried to pry my leg out without getting the rest of me dirty.

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