Olivia needs to get a piggy bank.

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Let's get one thing out of the way.

I spend money like an idiot, mostly, as proven by the aforementioned buying of a silver-plated, rhine-stone bedazzled tiara, and attempting to buy my sister's love with candy, as in the pile of candy in front of me now.

That's right, I've got Rolos, Snickers, Twix, and two packages of Skittles, one Darkside, one Tropical.

I like sweets. 

A lot.

Really, I'm lucky that I have an amazing metabolism, I should be three hundred pounds from all the fried chicken and sugar I eat. 

No, I'm not saying how much I weigh. It's all muscle and boob, anyway.... And I haven't gained or lost a pound in months, which is kind of scary to me, but enough of this topic.

Anyway, I'm horrible at saving money. I blew almost ninety bucks(the most money I, as a broke person, have ever had, personally,)  on... I don't even remember, I should've gotten a tablet or something out of that, dammit.

But, yeah, that.

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