Re: follow-up, and... I have the most interesting friends.

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Interesting like a mental disorder, I mean.

But first, my extra follow-up. Olivia is back to her usual self, after much thought and consideration, and no longer randomly getting angry at German shit. My brain is safely simply fascinated with the entirety of it, and no longer obsessing over ethics and neo-nazism.

Anyway, interesting like a mental disorder. Remember that chappie with my divorce? Yeah, my sisters' boy toy, as I jokingly call him?

That bitch is fucking perfect. Scarily so. I asked him if he was a serial killer. His response? "Maybe." He fits in with the family. He's got the sense of humor for it.


Now, for one of my favorite moments in my RPing history!

Germany eyed her. "Ja... Are jou American?"

She frowned, glancing at her dirty jeans and white linen shirt, feeling her coonskin cap with the tail out the back. "Wh-what gave me away?!"

Seriously, that cracks me up every time. I actually have all of those clothes, too. I have a coonskin cap,, complete with tail. My lace-up shirt is one of my favorites. All of my jeans are dirty, most of the time, as jeans should be.

Back to what I was saying, this dude is... well, of the Youtubers Rhett and Link, he looks strongly like Rhett.

The dude.

He was a firefighter.

He, quote-unquote, "Still has the clothes~!", as my sister says with a happy glow, making strip jokes at me.

They're talking about kids.

And marriage.

Her divorce isn't even finalized yet.

They're... canoodling! 

Yeah, I use that word. I also say malignant intent. Sue me.

Anyway, people I know. I got to see my brother(the stoner, old-old one) and.... I don't agree with him. His girlfriend showed me how to use a pot grinder and explained the mechanics.

I didn't even have to ask.

Anyway, the only flaw I can seem to find with him is that he has the 'low-hang' style of wearing pants at the moment. 

Hint, 'gangstas', that trend started in prisons as a sign that the 'low-ridin'' person was open for anal sex. Get a belt, kids.

And don't do drugs.

Crack is whack.

Anyway, everyone seems to be all 'I don't like you' at this guy, and I'm all 'welcome to the family I hope you make it out alive or meld and become one with the mothership of insanity'. Seriously, he can handle my creepy-azz staring contests, ending weith my inane laughter and the dude all 'I have no idea what happened, but I'm pretty sure I lost'.

Seriously, I refuse to dump Chrissy-chan from the family, but.... this guy is boss. 

Scarily so. I don't get why stoner-brother doesn't like him, I mean, Nicky is fucked up and doesn't like healthy stuff like I tend to, but really? Can't a person be perfect?

Yeah, my brother tried to get me to drink whilst I babysit.

As much as I love him for being family, Nicky is.... Let's just say my mother failed with both of her sons.

So, we were talking, all of us together in the kitchen, with my nephew(whose birth I  got to attend almost exactly a year ago) messing around, and shit, and...

Oh, btw, I keep imagining Japan in fanfics as Scooby-Doo, due to the accent-writing.

Anyway, #SquirrelMoment  we were chatting about how recklessly violent my family is, and the dude is sitting over, eyeing my fruit loops. I look at him and just pop out, "Thou shalt not covet the fruit loops."

So, then, the light went out in the chicken coop.

I got to go out and fix it.

I electrocuted myself twice. It's fun, man. Maybe I just have a high toletrance, but it tickles in my bones and it's warm. It's cool for the first second, before it starts to burn. It makes my whole arm twitch! :D Yeah, I've had this a few times, now. Who needs an electricians' license to do electric work? Or any training to do plumbing?

I like blue-collar jobs, derp. owo

Car engine oil is the color of fun, as I say.

So, what else....

Oh, yes. 

It turns out, my brain is trained for my sisters' house. I wake up at six, an hour before everyone else, and go to bed around late-nine, early-ten.

I never do that at home. I's all in the AM sleeping, there.

Oh, before I forget it, I have another confession to make. I love knee-length leather boots with three or higher inch heels. Studs, buckles, stitching, laces, I've got it all. I don't go for any other kind of shoe with a shoe-craze feel.

Like hats. I will buy hats until I die. I have been wearing this particular hat for... shit, I can't remember how long. I think a few weeks of everyday wear. I love it, it's a black flat-cap and it's got lacing and my German flag pin on it and five tiny safety pins lined up on the other side. ewe

I adore hats.

And clopthes, lord, clothes are amazing. I know, I act like a total hardass, but I've got fashion sense like a boss and dress like I've got nothing to lose. I have.... erratic tastes. 

Off subject, though the one time I put on a cute little orange spaghetti strap and did my hair in ponytails, people looked at me like 'wtf is that Olivia she looks... like a girl. A less-than-her-age girl. Who is happy and mentally stable.'

So, yeah. On page 468 of that paper book, and going strong--

It turns out, when a book can follow me everywhere and sleep in my bed with me(my books are all the love life I need, lol) I actually work my ass off and think about them all the way through.


Sooo, I got, essentially, third-degree burns on my hands from washing hot wax out of boiling-hot jars with very, very hot water. And I hate bandaids. The plastic ones take off my skin, and the cloth ones don't stay on right...

Where am I going with this? I think I was talking about something important... Nothing? 

Ok, bye. Go away so I can be forced to actually eat.

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