Best. Family. Ever. (And guess how old Olivia is?)

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So, wandering through the store, Fi and I are messing around, me all 'you can rap if you want to--'

And my mother pipes up with this.

"You can rap if you want to, you can leave your friends behind, cuz if your friends don't rap, then they're full of crap, and they're no friends of mine!"

My mother is amazing.

and her dad, my Grandfather. He and Mutter are talking on the phone, and mom suddenly hits speakerphone, saying, "Hey, kids, shut up, your Grampa has something to tell you!"

And he sang the song. From M.A.S.H., that the crazy General sings. It starts something like this:

"When the sun goes down, and the tide goes out, the darkies gather 'round and they all being to shout,

Hey, hey, uncle Fudd, it's a treat to beat your feet on the Mississippi mud!"

My awesome Grandpa sings slave songs with us.

No, I rufuse to start the debate on slavery, which has been pretty much abolished, except in Muslim countries.

Anyway, we're all sitting, laughing our asses off as my sweet old grandpa sings to us over the phone, and then it's off.

Oh, oh! I got told in the store by a sweet man, "Don't stop smiling."

I have a pretty smile.

I shouldn't stop smiling.

This is a huge compliment for me, since I pretty much stopped smiling when my adult teeth came in, because I was a hardass kid and smashed my face into a wall in passive-aggressive fury at someone, and my teeth were screwed up for a long time, and I only got braces about a year ago.

So, what else....


Hit page 508 of my on-paper fic~! Seriously, that thing is gonna need a fourth notebook soon.

I need a notebook fund.

anyway, I believe that, for once, I do not have anything hilarious--


That dude, Tristian? My older sisters' possible fiancee?

He shaved off the beard. So fucking weird. He needs the beard, he looks old without it. It's...


Yup. Just wrong.

Bye, now. Just wanted to let you all know that I'm still alive.

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