Olivia trying to watch action movies like 'YAY PHILOSOPHY AND POLITICAL STANCES'

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Today, our chapter follows Olivia in third as she goes through movies.

Bold will be narration by a voice in the sky.

Olivia sits in a living room, watching Taken on a flatscreen.

She often ends up alone for hours, and watches movies that she can't watch around younger people during this time.

We watch her yowl as a flash of a map of Germany crosses the screen.

"Dammit, Germany, gtfo! Now is not the time, Cato! ... Now! Is the time!" She hisses at the cat, who is in heat and makin weird noises.

Damn cat.

Now, she smirks at the foreign accents, though her mind wanders to how Liam Neeson seems to be agreeing with Muslims.

Olivia has nonproblem with religion, or freedom of religion, but she understands that this means doesn't mean your religion can infringe on others.

Anyway, though, she thinks, then, about how other people who are so rich because of guns and violence seem to hate it so much, i.e., Matt Damon, who is openly anti-gun, but has made millions off of the Jason Bourne movies.

This bothers Olivia, this blatant hypocracy. She then thinks of Hugh Jackman, who is so wonderful onscreen with violence and courage and honor, etc., but takes a pro-gun control stance in his day-to-day life.

Olivia wishes, now, that people would make their minds up, instead of driving her crazy with convoluted politics and acting.

Now, she thinks of the Boondock Saints.

"Such a lovely movie,"  says she,

"and cute Irish boys, too..."

Olivia possibly needs to shut up, now, since she evidently does not realize that this is on the internet now.

Silly Olivia. Don't talk to yourself, the new guy already thinks you're insane.

From the look the good narrator receives, she does not care.

Olivialaughs as Liam Neeson calls the French tolerant,weak and complacent.

There is a difference between tolerance and surrender, she thinks, watching Albanian gentlemen get their expletive deleted kicked.

And, she thinks, there is a difference between courage and arrogance, as an Albanian gentleman is electrocuted to aquire information.

And, as small as it may be, there is a difference in the outcomes of doing something for profit and doing something because it's the right thing to do.

This occurs to her, along with a flashback of her father pulling an 'I know where you live', as Liam barges into the French gentleman's home and shoots his wife.

Narrator, at a glance from Olivia, must warn of spoilers. Our apologies.

Olivia smiles as another French gentleman is dragged from an elevator, remembering doing much the same thing during a game of capture the flag.

Olivia recalls that human skin and parts are very expensive as Liam bids on his daughter at the human auction(oh, she comments, lookit that, it's brown people selling white girls, but I'm not supposed to bring that up, ja?)

She notes that, again, Hollywood works to make businesses look bad, as more gentleman attempt to kill Liam and fail miserably(lookit that, she says again, the anti-gun man is shooting people and killing indiscriminately) and she flashes to POTC as the gentleman says 'it's all business'.

(Olivia also apologizes for her poliically incorrect use of 'brown people', but they aren't white and they aren't black, and people don't seem to understand what black really is, which is African. Africans have a very characteristic display of features that she actually rather likes, in a detached way, and notes that people from countries like Albania, Turkey, Iran, etc., are not, in fact, black. There is a distinct difference between Arab and black, not only actual color, she may mention, since most 'blacks' in America have so much white blood in them that they're more brown than the real African black... Olivia realizes this may offend some people. She is simply stating the facts she sees. Most 'blacks' are dark-tan skin folk, riding on the good black name, so sorry. Olivia wonders ow we got to this point, but shrugs it off as Liam shoots what looks to be an Arab sheik and retrieves his daughter like a boss on screen.)(Narrator notes that that was a long paranthese string and apologizes.)

Olivia idly thinks, as the singer lady closes the door and credits roll, that the original word used in the bible, during the Ten Commandments, or the lower law, wasn't 'kill', but 'murder'. It's 'Thou shalt not murder'.

Olivia also thinks that she really shouldn't have chewed her nails right there, since her finger is now bloody. Olivia heads for the movie cabinets as she closesthe chapter.

Adieu, mon amis.

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