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Okies, my little peeps! *should be shot for saying YOLO* For chapter thirty, you get.... probably nothing, but I guess you could have free requests for stories behind stuff, since I tend to make references to my cracktastic(Jk, don't endorse drugs) life. o.o

But, for todays', we have...  A dream.

Literally, I had this awesome Hetalia dream last night that I want to eventually write into a fanfic, unless one of my favorite authors comes along and wants it or something...

Ok, so I'm #Hetadreaming along, right? ((Hetadreaming is a thing now. We should hashtag it and you can tell me about Hetadreams you've had!!!))

Just casually #Hetadreaming along my way, and my #Hetadream starts following this little girl in a blizzard-bereaved, war-torn snowy town as she makes her way to this orphanage, where she finds the young woman who runs the orphanage tending to two wounded men... Who are Russia and America. Long story short, they get snowed in with the orphans(I know, sounds stupid), and the orphanage has a secret. An old man living in the attic is writing his last book, one that will bring revolutionary ideas to a warred world and change the way people live their lives forever. 

So, America and Russia have to work out the differences between their beliefs, while relearning compassion and all that fancy stuff from the orphans, and being taught the wisdom of the old man, who is dubbed only 'The Baron', who's name will probably be revealed at the end, when--

Nope, no spoilers! ;D Just a crazy idea. 

Yup. Mom is an idea person, not a make-it-happen person, and I guess I got a touch of the make-it-happen from my satan-spawn dad.

Moving on, the reason for the chapter name?

Lately, I've been staying up until about three or four AM and waking up around two in the afternoon...

Today, I woke up at eight. I'm so proud of my brain. It has a wonderful internal clock, though it gets annoying when, if I even talk about getting up early, my brain takes it as a command and wakes me up wayyy early.

Seriously, we're talkin' 'I get to watch the sun rise.... every day'-type stuff. My mom's the same way--

S/O To my mom, the most boss person on earth! She passed Culinary Arts in collage, so I've got an easily four-star chef cooking for moi, she's incessantly nice, as in 'hey mom I threw a brick through brors' window please yell at me or something please I'll pay for it if you'll just yell at  me'.

That happened. I broke a window... on purpose... on our house... and she didn't yell once. I paid for the replacement pane with my own hard-earned money (Have I mentioned that I'm dirt poor?) and everything, and she refused to yell at me.

It was a little scary, honestly. I'm used to being yelled at for stuff, but it's hard to tune out silence.

Moving back along with the chapter, We're going to do GASP some Top 5s today!

That's right, kids! We're going to see what Top 5 things Olivia likes and doesn't like!

Things I like? 
1. Being alive to enjoy the world around me. (And breathing. Breathing is good.)
2. My family! (Awesome sauce peeps, man.)
3. My country! ( 'Murica, coming to save the muthaf'n day, y'all)
4. Hetalia! (Heckz yeah! )
5. All manner of artsy-fartsy things, i.e., writing, reading, playing music and art! (I've failed at being a tomboy.).

Things I don't like... Hmmm.
1. People hurting my loved ones(I will shank a bitch for my family, yo)(Oh yeah, my father can also occupy this space)
2. Finding out that there's no chicken Ricearoni left.(worst ever. /A\" )
3. Failing.(Seriously, even if I just screw up a recipe I have a total freak fit and get depressed.)
4. Getting a drivers' tan. (Stuck with one this year. Remind me to move my computer away from the window. XD )
5. People hating, in general. (On my beliefs, my politics, on other people. Take a chill pill, humanity. Suum cuique! #PrussiaMottoTime )

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