So, my dog has a boyfriend...

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That's right, my dog, mother of hree litters, has decided it's important to have another, no?

My brother let her out....

And my mom got a call from a friend... Asking, 'does your dog have a long tail of a short one? I forget.'.

Now, my dog, doofus' boyfriend looks almost exactly like her, so naturally, getting the call from my mom that my doggie and her bf were hanging by the post office.

I get over there and find my moms' friend... standing by the two dogs... who were 'hooked up'.

Now, let me explain the original orgin of the term 'hooked up'. If you're squeamish of prudish, don't read on.

the term came from when two dogs, when mating, would get stuck together. This was the first time I had ever seen this firsthand. My dog, the ho-bag, and her boyfriend, the man-slut, stuck together by the naughty giblets.

We were instructed by my mother, who was currently out of town, to 'pour cold water on their hoo-hahs'.

So I go to stand there and chat with the family friend while Fi ran to get cold water.

Needless to say, the treatment worked and the doggles were freed, but it was fairly traumatic for everyone involved.

This is why you get your dog spayed or neutered, castrated, etc. X'D

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