I actually forgot to eat! D:

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Holy shit. I have found that I have barely eaten anything over the past three days.

Now, some of you may be going, 'That's pretty normal for a teenage girl', but no. I love eating. I love cooking. I love anything to do with food. It's a miracle that I'm as thin as I am.

So, things I can recall eating over the past three days...

Some rice in the morning, umm.... three days ago, the zombie dog got the rest of my breakfast. DX

I had some toast yesterday.... and a mug of cocoa.

Then I had some more toast earlier..... and more cocoa, early this morning.

Let me make this clear, people.

I'm used to at least once a week having a fucking pot roast in the crock pot. Mutti always makes sure we eat enough. I'm fairly used to skimping for a few days, then gorging on what I can grab first when she makes a roast chicken, some rice and gravy.

Her gravy is heaven on earth, btw. I will literally put that shit in a mug, heat it up, and drink it at the computer.

So, usually, even if there's a short famine in our house, there's always a feast every week or so to make up for it, right?

Usually, I at least cook for myself to make up for the lack of regularly portioned food, but... I ate all the bacon (ok, technically, I shared the last half-pound out to mio familia when I cooked it XP) and, honestly, I don't feel like having any of the billions of eggs we have (hyperbole, I'm afrid, though the chickens try their best) and I ate the last of the thawed bread (yes, Mutti freezes bread. It actually helps in our situation.) as toast, so...

Well, actually, we got a 20-pound bag of potatoes from someone--


Potatoes are a gift from the Gods, bro, you can fry them, mash them, boil them, you can slice them and make au gratin potatoes with em, you can stick 'em in a microwave and just eat em, peeling off the skin as you go (not typically done, but I do this a lot) and much more! Potatoes are perfect!



But, yeah, I reached in and it was wet, this was in the dark last night, so I really didn't want to find out if it was rotted potato slime or something in there, so I was all 'AW HELLZ NAW' to that notion, so....

I'm hungry, to say the least. I'm going to force Mutti to teach me to make tomato soup in the morning, and make pancakes (her recipe, it's the best, like, Cana-chan leveel good, bro) in the evening....

This has been a short rant instilled by my stomach growling.

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