3.5 | The race

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Jaehyun reved his engine and forgot everything what has happened earlier. Nayeon stood in between the cars with a flag in her left hand and lifted it high above her head. His breathing became rhythmic, and his eyes darted around the dirt road before them. He was ready.

She waved the flag downward and Jaehyun slammed his foot onto the gas without any dismay. The tires squealed, and dirt flied up behind him as he teared off down the road, faster than lightning. Everyone at the starting line cheered and hollered after them. He glanced in the rearview mirror and saw Jimin's car speeding up to catch up. He didn't expect him to be this good.

The opponent' car was approaching him quickly. He lightly lifted up his foot from the gas, slowing down just a little, just enough for Jimin to catch up. Once his car was about as level with Jaehyun's, he turned the wheel and slammed into the rival's car only to see his Dodge drifting off the parking lot and into the sidewalk at the turn. The corners of his lips slightly curved up as he completed the turn and took off down the road. Jimin was no longer in his rear view mirror. Jimin did not expect that, he was completely sure of that.

He could see him catching up on his left again, and he noticed the turn in front of him which seemed like a hard right turn. He waited a little for Jimin to catch up a little closer to the middle of his car, before he did a loose right turn. His car turned, but not fast enough. However, for Jarhxum, this was hos plan all along. The tail end of hıs car ran into the front of Jimin's Camaro, slamming him off the track once more.

He turned the wheel to the right fast, completing the turn and crossed the finish line with a great amount of satisfaction plastered on his face. He swerved my car around in a circle after the end and turned to face Jimin's Dart as it crossed the finish line.

He placed his car in the parking lot and opened the door, stepping out just as Jimin did with his car. He stared at the winner for a minute and his eyes were widened with shock and disbelief. Jaehyun glanced at him and knew that he couldn't bare the fact that he just lost. He was proud of himself that his smart strategy immaculately worked.

Everyone cheered them up as Chaeyoung smiled broadly in happiness and found herself hollering, gnoring Yuta's current presence he got bewildered by. She was also taking a note of how the competitors interchanged looks and sauntered towards her and Yuta.

"Seemed like it brought luck!" She cherished, referring to the one kiss she gave him and jumped into him for a hug. Joy streaked through her like a comet, as he found himself passionately returning her affection by wrapping his arms around her slim waist.

"Aghh!" He groaned joyly and lifted up her body into the air for a few seconds, earning a shriek from her. The quick hug turned into a firm one and she felt her body press in, soft and warm. She kind of cherished this feeling and let her body sag when her feet met the groand again. It felt like all her worries has loosen their keen sting with an additional laugh.

"You won!"

"Thanks to you," He muttered in her ear and they departed themselves. He rested his one arm above her shoulders while she held him on his waist. He also smelled so.. nice.

As might be expected, she noticed Yuta's mouth forming an 'o'. He glanced at them, giving a look of What the fuck and scratched his neck. She was literally aching to tell him that it was not really.. like that.


She managed to give Yuta some signals with facial gestures that she will explain everything later and looked over Jimin who was close to bearing the outrageous torture of disbelief and regret that he lost against Jaehyun.

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