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"Jung Jaehyun." A sudden voice pierced the silence that had grown in the empty library. The lad found myself presented with bookshelves, not that he wanted to read books but something else he craved for awhile.

He snapped my head to the end of the corner and saw Chaeyeon's stare who leaned against a shelf with crossed arms, showing an impression that she has been waiting for him.

Jaehyun went along the Records section which was also a hideout for them considering the fact that nobody checked out this place. The library was an enourmous resource for knowledge, but also a place where you could make out. At least for him.

"I missed you," He said with a slither of temptous tone and saw her smirk broaden in the contiguity.

"Show me how you missed me then." She challenged and let her hand snake through his cheeks down to his nape, letting each other wander off the heat forming inside their bodies.

He held her waist and pulled her face with his other hand, his lips covering hers in a long warm kiss that left her short of breath. She leaned back to kiss him, the feel of her soft lips against his both infuriating and placating.

"You actually missed me huh?" A small smirk broke into her lips as they caught our breaths.

They have always used this place whenever they felt like it to feed the hunger within them. They both knew that we will neither come together nor have feelings for each other, it was just a common thing between them they were used to do.

"I guess I did." His lips moved across her cheek and down her neck with, forcing a low moan from hers. Making it more intense, his hand dropped to her thigh, pulling up the skirt that added more fervency. He kept on brushing his lips along Chaeyeon's lips and exposed neck with the intentions to go further down, earning quiet moans from her.

After the transpiring clubbing last night, he came home late and involuntarily tried processing the things that had ocurred with his father. Friends noticed a slight change demeanor on him Jaehyun hated to show; not that I he let it be obvious. He tried to submerge the unsettling feeling by doing, of course, sexual distractions.

Their lips met hungrily again and they didn't know when to bring this passionate activity to a standstill until a bunch of steps echoed through the surrounding towards them.

"Fuck!" Chaeyeon cursed and both of their heads turned to the sudden sound as the panic instantly grew. They ended up staying behind a row of books and their eyes were hovering just at the tips of the books' end. The undisclosed steps flourished louder and more alarming as they approached the seniors until the person itself came to vision. While he tried spotting the person who interrupted his happy time, Chaeyeon seemed to recognize her faster. "Wait is that-"

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