26 | Soulmates exist

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Chaeyoung's fingers clenched to the steering wheel tight, while her eyes had been glued on the bare motorway in front of them

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Chaeyoung's fingers clenched to the steering wheel tight, while her eyes had been glued on the bare motorway in front of them.

"You sure you can do this?" Jaehyun asked from the passenger seat and by contrast to her, his eyes were everywhere but on the motorway. He was about to face a very thrilling bustle in his life and glancing at her face, she looked damn serious about giving him that bustle.

"Never been this sure before babe." She emphasized it in english without averting her gaze from the road. The flame in her eyes defined her like a born racer who wanted to prove herself to the whole world - and that triggered Jaehyun even more.

After a busy day of school - not to mention that everyone got flabbergasted at the fact that the well known play boy Jung Jaehyun and mean girl Park Chaeyoung finally started dating after decades of steamy tension, and gossips started going all over the school. By 2 following weeks, their relationship had been properly outed, and it seemed as if everyone knew of the two of them.

As boys fully refused to think that they will ever have a chance with Chaeyoung, the dozens of girls that had dreams of Jaehyun were heartbroken and would stare at her hatefully with daggers in their eyes - as if it was something new - and herself taking the hottest bachelor off the market just added to their hatred. For all Chaeyoung cared though.

And while they were enjoying their netflix & chill hours at Jaehyun's late at today's evening, Chaeyoung came up with an idea about wanting to experience the reckless driving the street racers did. Well let's not call it reckless driving, it was rather outrunning the other racers in order to win the competition.

Jaehyun hesitated at first and looked in her eyes with a furrow if she was actually being for real. The nod gave it all, but the problem was that she didn't even have a license. He was sure they would opt for a deserted place where no cars were to be seen, but the possiblity of bumping into somewhere was still there with her.

And now here they were, in the middle of the night, the vehicle droning in one of Jaehyun's favorite strips of motorway outside of town that's always unoccupied late at night, with the fear of having her bump into a sudden feasible car or any other hinderance.


"I hope you know which brakes are on which sides though," Jaehyun mocked a little and met her scowled face.

"Jokes on you I've been many times behind a wheel than you can even imagine." Chaeyoung deadpanned and days where she casually obtained people's cars bestirred in her mind. Good old days, now she had a good-looking boyfriend whose car was even faster than anyone's and who mastered driving.

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