19 | In the blues

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It was dark at the highschool's indoor swimming pool since the attendance wasn't allowed after 6
o clock. Thankfully, there wasn't any surveillance with the cameras at the swimming area and it became a habit for her to sneak to this place and practice.

She put on a solid black sports bikini, exposing her small waist and her tall form with her long legs. She was bold enough to take and own her goddess form. The small tattoo on her ribcagw came to her sight while looking into the large mirror and also the hickey that wasn't gone yet. It allowed her to remind her of him, the words he uttered yesterday and didn't appear the next day. A coward he was, telling her all these and not popping up the next day to face the effects he had left on her.

The effects? Oh. She felt drunk on him.

Like he did.

Chaeyoung threw the thick towel onto the side as well as her thoughts and instantly jumped in head first, fine as ever since by being a professional swimmer in her high school swimming team.

Things about what had happened the last two days had been aching her head and now here she was, swimming as the water was her freedom, her release from the ordinary rules of gravity, a chance to experience weightlessness.

She could swim forever, dive and be here in this underwater world eternally. There was something about the motion of it that became natural after a while and made her cherish everything about it.

After diving for a good 3 minutes upon her lungs that had good conditions to stay breathless for a while, she reached the surface at the start again and stuck her head out with a deep exhale, slicking her hair back.

Her eyes were able to sort things out after it got used to the fainted darkness and everything presented in her surrounding seemed unclouded with a more clearer look.

What she didn't expect was an unclear physique on the left, who had been watching her floating in the water without giving any noise. Assuming from his broad shoulders that it was a male, he was just sitting on the narrow underwater pool bench that was all around the side of the pool which was built to prevent any disastrous happening, like drowning and was made for a support.

Her breath was caught as she stared at the lad and an uncomfortable premonition of fear pervaded her senses. Her body stood still as her feet were able to reach the ground since it wasn't that deep at the start yet the water reached her chest.

She stepped nearer with a great amount of distress and could recognize the person as soon as she saw the tattoo on his collarbone and the followed bandaged bruised eyebrow.

Her eyes trailed down to his defined muscular body and his veiny arms with the random seemingly little tattoos on his one arm, and the earrings he consistently wore have always succeeded in drawing her attention. The girl has realized also realized that he had a further tattoo on his shoulder that demonstrated a snake and letters that flowed down his ribs.

How absurd it sounded, she missed him and was mad that everything could have been so much easier.

"You creep!" She splashed the water at him and questioned his presence here for a second.

Other than that, he was somehow pale and dullness dawned on him. His face was emotionless or maybe it was a facade, she couldn't tell. Perhaps he didn't seem to understand what was actually going on around him and wasn't able to distinguish the happenings. Chaeoyung felt somewhat culpable.

drunk on you | jaeroséWhere stories live. Discover now