27 | Lil Soldier

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"You better check your door thrice instead of leaving it open for the intruders," An older woman suddenly riposted and looked over to the living room, only to find her daughter throwing away the tablet in her hands aside. And that very much in an alarmed way.

"Mom-" Chaeyoung jumped up from her seat. Her mother's smile didn't waver, as the girl felt a tiny, sudden jab of fear. It was the kind of ridiculous fear she encountered before watching a scary movie, or walking into a haunted maze - it was a thrill, a rush, a hit of adrenaline straight to her veins.

Because Jaehyun was fucking upstairs. In her bed. Sleeping.

And not to mention that her mother was one of the significant mentions in their conversations that took place yesterday night. Now seeing her actual appeareance in front of her became a little more formidable to cope up with. She hadn't been ready for this occurrence, not at all, and all she had to do was to improvise at this very moment.

"Why are you looking at me like some stranger just barged in your house? Hello?" Mrs. Park took off her coat and finally made her way across the big area, toward Chaeoyung at the big lounge.

"What are you doing here?" She asked with confusion twined in her voice. Her eyes kept on going over to the stairs far away from her, in fear that a tattooed young boy will loom up in any second.

"Am I not allowed to visit my own daughter?" Mrs. Park passed by the blonde and plopped herself on the little couch. She seemed to be unenlightened about her daughter's anxiety that eased down some things for Chaeyoung. Having to explain the anxiety would already spoil everything.

"I didn't say that," Chaeyoung scoffed, hiding her discomfort and sat down on the large sofa beside her. "But you never randomly show up here, and you know that too."

Sad to say that her mother never genuinely visited her, since she was busy with all her business meetings and her responsibilities ascribed to her status. But ever since her illness showed up, the woman was forcing out the good in her. How pathetic, really.

Mrs. Park leaned against the backrest, roaming her eyes around the ambience instead of responsing to Chaeyoung's notion. Something she surely hated was getting ignored by her mother that she loved doing it - not giving a damn about anything, unless it affected her.

The woman suspected things a little more. It's been long since she came for a visit and things changed. It was renovated in an ingenious and simple manner, clearly bringing out its elegance of the villa. "Thank goodness you guys decided for an update. Looks fully fledged now." She nodded, finally finding her voice.

"Mom!" Mrs. Park's intimate focus got interrupted by a sudden, warm shriek. It was obviously Jennie who scuttled to her. She bent down and clasped the sitting woman in a tight hug.

For the record; because of the close acquintance between their parents, Jennie called her mom for like, ever since.

"Hey bean," The woman remarked with a brief laugh when Jennie drew apart. She keeled over next to Chaeyoung on the couch and included herself to the gathering. "Jennie gets prettier day by day every time I see her."

"And you never get old, really." Jennie replied as the blonde complied with their sweet-talk in a state of nervousness. She'd give it all, just to remain
where fear was but a phantom pain.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2023 ⏰

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