Chapter Twenty-One

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I woke up the next day realizing that all the Nathan thing was just a dream. I knew it had to be something like that, as the last time I remember I wasn't that easy, or was I?

Then reality struck me like a lighting, I realized that Evan had broken up with me yesterday and I was -am- supposed to be sad. The actual truth is I feel free. No more pressure that if I would get caught with Nathan.

Holy Shit, I sound like Melanie right now, I'm turning into a bitch! No no no no no, this shit can't be happening.

Brain get sad now please, I can't turn into Melanie 2.0.

Who am I kidding I can't get sad by something that doesn't makes me sad.

I stood up from bed when I saw that I had a text from Nathan. So... what happened yesterday wasn't a dream, or was it?

From Nathan: I need to talk to you. ASAP. Received 15 minutes ago...

Me: What about in five minutes your place?

Nathan actually responded almost instantly as if he was waiting for me to answer all this time.

From Nathan: Sure.

That was short... too short for that being a message from Nathan. Something must be really going on.

I put on some white shirt and blue shorts with some black Vans and I headed to Nate's place with my mother's car, which I literally had to beg for her to give it to me.

When I arrived at his house, his front door opened almost instantly, standing there was a messy haired, shirtless, hurried Nathan, who seemed to be desperate for me to get out of the car.

"Hey." I say when I entered his house, which wasn't as tidy as the last time I was here, hell it wasn't like anything since I was here. There were ice cream pots everywhere and dirty tissues with God-knows-what on them.

"I need you." He says kissing me roughly on the mouth banging me against the wall.

I pushed him back, and he looked at me in sadness and confusion. Boy what where you expecting of me, to kiss you back? I just appeared here and now you want to bang bang me? Hell nah.

Okay I'm a hypocrite, but the fact that I just appeared out of nowhere and he's already trying to swallow me up wasn't normal.

"Woah, woah, woah, what was that for?" I ask now that he seemed a little less impulses by his feelings and a little more rational.

"I need you Chloe, I need you okay?" He says, his eyes were watery. I knew there must be something else.

"What happened?" I ask, I don't know if it's that sixth sense that supposedly women have, but I felt that there was something wrong with him.

"It's a long story." He says, looking away from me in shame.

"I'm here for you." I say and we both sit on the couch, which in the minute we sat down, Nathan began telling me his story.

"It's - it's my grandmother..." He began crying, I knew what was coming now so I decided to save that up and brought him into an embrace. Shortly he began sobbing, I've never seen him so bad in all the time I've known him, well maybe just in third grade, but that's another story.

"I'm so sorry." I whisper into his ear, he pulled back and looked at me, his eyes were bloodshot and his face was kinda wet. Apparently my crazy hormones think he looks hot.

"I really need you Chloe. I can't let you go." He says. I wanted to believe his words, but a part of me thought that this was all because he wasn't getting laid with Bitchelanie.

"What about Melanie, why didn't you texted her first." I say, I knew that it wasn't the best moment to be mad at him, but I was.

"She never meant anything to me." He confesses, his voice was a little taken away, as if he had just woken up.

"You used her."

"Because you are with Evan." He replies instantly.

He said 'are'. I bit my bottom lip, I didn't needed him to talk about Evan right now, I'm trying to forget him.

"Was..." I drift off looking away.

He stayed in silence, the only thing that could be heard was our breathing, his was unsteady, it seemed that he was having a hard time

Out of the nowhere I leaned over him and kissed him, his hands instantly wrapped around my waist. His lips were wet from crying, to be honest I don't know why I kissed him.

Okay I'm lying, first I really think he looked hot, but mostly I kissed him out of pity.

"Can you stay?" He asks me, I didn't know what to say. It's true that I wanted to stay, but I was kinda mad about that Melanie thing.

Then it maybe came into my mind that it was destiny for this to happen, as it wanted to tell me that he is my real soulmate, that he's my escape from Ryan and my way to forgive about Evan.

I didn't know that after all this years of fighting and insults I would be here with Nathan. If it wasn't about this stupid project I would probably still be fighting with Nathan, probably I'll be dating Evan, and Ryan would still be messing with my head.

Ryan... Maybe what happened at the restaurant was just an hallucination, but then Evan said that I was muttering his name in my sleep. Was he really back? If so, that means he was already free from prison, thing that didn't make any sense as he still had a few years.

"You there Chloe?" Nathan snaps his fingers in front of me.

"Yeah, sorry, I drifted off..."

"You really zoned off." He says with a chuckle. "Want to watch a movie?"

"Sure." I reply with a smile.

After everything was set up, I was found cuddling with Nathan. He picked the movie "The Notebook."

To be honest, I didn't payed attention to it as I was mostly focused on my life. I was really happy being with Nathan but I really don't think that I'm ready to be in a relationship with him right now.

"Chloe. He says after a while. I looked up at him, his bright blue eyes were staring at me. "Thank you."

I smiled and he gave me a kiss on the lips. Hell if this isn't a signal from destiny I don't know what is it.

Wait, I know what could make this better.

"Chloe one, Melanie zero." I say with a grin.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter, please wish me luck I have finals next week. #KillMe. Anyway I know this was a short and boring chapter and the story didn't advanced that much, I promise that I'll make better chapters. By the way, the end is near :'(

By the way I love this new cover :D

On the other side the project is going well, I'm not going to spoil anything, but I really like how it's developing itself. ;)

Votes, Comments, and Followers are appreciated. I love you all <3

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