Chapter Four

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"Leave me alone!" I struggle. I was being dragged to a bed, and the person dragging me was Ryan.

"Let me go!" I shout as I kicked him several times.

He seemed immune to my attacks. He was caring me bridal style, as we approached the bed a smirk grew bigger on his face.

He threw me on the bed and he pressed his lips on mine. His kiss was pretty rouge and violent. I didn't responded and he noticed that because he started kissing my neck. I pushed him and he stared at me, his big brown eyes were reaching my soul. For the first time of my life I was scared, scared of a person.

"You been a bad girl." He says as he began taking of my shirt and began to kiss me again.

As soon as he unpressed his lips from mine I tried to scream but nothing came out.




I woke up and my first view was Nathan that was sitting in front of me, apparently he was shaking me because he still had his hands on my shoulder.

"Are you alright?" He asks and I nod silently.

I still remembered that evil smirk and those brown eyes. He was the guy that crumbled my world apart, the one who made me cry for months, the one who broke my heart.

"This is so cliché." I laugh.

"What?" Nathan asks confused. I didn't bother to explain, as far as I now he doesn't needs to know my personal life. "Nothing, don't worry."

"You were talking in your sleeps, kept saying 'Stop Ryan' 'Stop!'" He say and The dream(nightmare) came into my head again. "So who's Ryan?" He asks

"My ex." I respond unconsciously.

Shit. My mouth and it's weak resistance of saying the truth.

"Was he a dick?"

"Why do you care?" I reply rudely, nobody said you could enter my life like that, especially not mine.

"Why can't you put your pride apart and be more kind." He says, obviously hurt.

"Sorry." I say. "Didn't meant to be so rude." I say biting my bottom lip.

"No it's fine. I know this can be hard." You know? What do you mean by 'I know' has Nathan Grey been dumped before.

"Here put this on." He says handing me a shirt probably size 20, I never actually noticed how tall Nathan was until now, and now I realise I was short.

"You can stay on your jeans." I sent a questioning look and then realised it was almost 10:15.

Damn. School started in 15 minutes!

"Mom is gonna be so mad at me." I say to myself.

"Don't worry, I already talked to her, she said its fine."

Mom what did you meant by fi-. Oh, now I understand. You see, mom has this crazy obsession that I need to get a boyfriend, even though I thought she hated Nathan probably my reaction towards her made her change of mind.

I touched my pockets and then I almost had a heart attack. I lost my phone!

"It's here." Nathan says handing me my iPhone back.

"I seriously need to stop thinking out loud. I laugh and so did Nathan. God his laughter was so perfect. If he wasn't such a jerk I might consider dating him. But I don't know what he thought about me.

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