Chapter Ten

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I know what being heartbroken is, it's a bundle pack of crying, sobbing, romance movies and loads of ice cream.

Nobody deserves to be in that situation, it's better being lonely than heartbroken, trust me, and then I thought that Evan was a really nice guy, good looking, and caring, Three things that Nathan wasn't, sigh, yes sigh. Maybe Nathan wasn't the gu-

Wow. Nathan? Nathan Grey as my boyfriend? Kim Kardashian would have a singing record first. I couldn't believe I was thinking about Nathan even though Evan was my boyfriend.

Anyway... I found myself in Evan's bed watching him struggling with the DVD player. I couldn't resist anymore without laughing so I just giggled.

"What?" He says giving me a dirty look. "You think it's easy?"

I roll my eyes with a smile and kneeled where he was.

"Dumbass you had the yellow cable connected to the white one." I say correcting his error.

I looked at him and he was staring at me, speechless.

"Are you gonna stare at me or watch the movie?" I ask climbing to the bed again.

He sighs and sits next to me.

"You have pretty eyes." He says and I blushed, I wasn't expecting that after all, even though he's my boyfriend.

"Erm, thank you..." I say kinda looking away. I didn't wanted him to see my blushing.

"You don't have to look away, I already saw you blushing." He says with a laughter.

Shit. I do think out loud a lot.

As the movie went by, my stomach had the great idea of making like a dying orca.

"Wow, somebody hungry huh?" He laughs.

"Yes. Feed me." I state staring at him. He laughs and leaves the room.

'I'm so fancy, you already kno-'

"Sup mom?" I say

"Chloe." She says with a serious tone.

"Sorry. Sup mommy?" I say once again.

She sighs and I contained my laughter, she hates when I do that.

"Chloe? Where are you?" She asks, worry already showing on her face.

"I'm at Evan's house." I reply.

"Are you staying there?" Jeez mom, it's not like I'm going to be kidnapped.

"Yes mom."

"Okay, use protection. Bye!" She hangs before I could reply to her 'advice'

Well. Payback is a bitch isn't it?

"Nice mom you got there." Evan says walking up with a box of pizza.

"And that pizza from where?" I ask

"Narnia. Now eat." He says putting the pizza on the bed.

I chuckle and began eating, and so did Evan.

"Do you got pizza?" A small head plopped from behind the door.

"Caleb, you should be sleeping." Evan scold him.

"But you got pizza." He says now entering the room, he made the puppy look and I smiled.

"Come seat here." Evan says and Caleb went running towards his big brother. "Sit." Evan says and He sat on his lap.

"How old are you?" I ask Caleb.

"I'm ten." He says grabbing a piece of pizza.

He's only three years younger than my brothers and he is an angel.

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