Chapter Sixteen.

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Now, hold your horses. Before you call me a double boyfriend bitch, or you might already have, I still love Evan, but at the same time I have feelings for Nate.

Maybe that's what happens when you rush into a relationship, but I wanted-want- to be with Evan and now that I'm with him, I'm all over Nathan.

Screw. My. Brain.

When I finished my internal dilemma, I came back into reality and continued watching the movie with Nathan.

You see, after THE kiss, I suggested to watch a movie, and he agreed, but he chose the movie, typical Nathan, he chose Paranormal Activity, so I had to woman up because in reality I was almost shitting my self, not literally, but I couldn't show it or Nathan would say a comment.

"Why we never see the actual ghost?" I ask, trying to break the tension.

"I know right." He says with a smile. "The ghost be like: 'Hell nah, I'm to fancy to appear on camera, so I ain't appearing.' " he says and I began laughing, hard.

"Is the ghost a nigga?" I ask in between laughter.

"Yep." he says with a closed-lip smile.

In no time we were both laughing, tears forming in my eyes from laughing. That was 'till a thunder thundered -See what I did there? No? Okay- and the lights went off. And another thunder, and another, so in no time I was in top of Nathan's lap with my eyes covered, then I noticed that Nathan was hugging me.

"Scared Miller?" He says and I could sense a grin on his face.

Boom! Another thunder crashed, this time actually.

"Damn you Nathan." I say

"Why me" He asks.

"Because you made me watch that movie." I say.

Soon my phone ringed and I noticed it was Evan, I looked at Nate who didn't seem too exited about it, but I answered anyway.

"Chloe are you okay? Where are you?" He asks.

"I'm fine and I'm at Nate's" I say kinda coldly.

"Nate's seriously Chloe, Nate's?!" He shouts.

I didn't even bothered in answering.

"Chloe... I- I'm sorry."

"Safe that to yourself." I say, but before I could hang he asked:

"That means we are over?"

I stopped and thought for a while. I didn't wanted to break with him, but every time I talk with him, he makes me think the impossible.

I looked over to Nathan, which obviously he was paying close attention to our conversation, be cause he seemed kinda down because I was thinking about the question too much.

I'm sorry Nathan.

"I... I don't know, I need to think about it." I say.

"G'night Chloe." Was the last I heard Evan say before the line went dead.

I stood up from Nathan's lap and walked towards a window that was near the couch.

I looked at the raindrops as if they were racing down. As I looked at the raindrops, I thought about my life and how screwed up it was.

All of my relationships have been screwed up, and all because of me, maybe I'm the problem of everything.

"You're not the problem of anything Chloe." Nate says, great now I was thinking out loud, again.

"Yes I am." I say, and before I could notice tears were already falling from my cheeks.

My father always told that crying was okay, that when you cry you release all the pain that's inside of you, and hell yeah I've stored a lot of pain, but still I think crying makes me look weak.

"Chloe, you're awesome." Nate says, hugging me from behind, his hands were resting on my stomach.

"No I'm not." I say, taking his hands off me and turning to him. "Im indecisive, problematic, weak, impulsive, and a troublemaker."

"That... may be true." he says and I smile because I knew it was true, but still tears were falling from my eyes. "But, you're also a great companion, friend, and last but not least a great kisser." He finishes by giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Why are you suddenly so good to me." I ask, as by far I knew, months ago we were enemies. "I mean, we were always fighting, and insulting each other and now your so... protective and careful."

"I always cared about you, just that... in my own way." he says with a chuckle.

"Why wouldn't you be normal and ask me out." I say, now calm as the conversation prevented me from thinking about Evan.

"Because, just as you, Chloe Miller, I'm not normal, and, you know that." He says smiling.

"That's true." I say also smiling.

We both stayed in silence... again, I couldn't think about Evan and Nate at the same time or else my mind would just blow up. I head to make a decision about who I wanted to stay with, and it wasn't easy. Both, Nathan and Evan had their pros and cons, but I've head a better experience with Nathan than with Evan, but Evan is just super cute and sweet.

GAAHH! My mind is just so screwed up.

"You know... eventually you'll have to make a decision." He says with a quiet tone of voice as if he didn't wanted to push my decision.

My mind was blurry for a few moments, but I think I made a decision, and I know that this will contradict what I was thinking about this situation earlier, but oh well... were young and we make weird decisions, so... I kissed Nathan.

"You're my decision." I say after the kiss, our faces inches away.


Two updates in a week, that's must be a record, so... yeh new chapter possibly between tomorrow and Monday.

Love you all guys and I really appreciate the support you've given to the series.

On another subject, this chapter and the next one are kinda of filler, but they are necessary fillers for the sake of the story so just because they are kinda short and confusing they have their purpose.

Love you all, again, see you soon.


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