Chapter Three

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(A/N: not responsible for any brain damage caused by my spelling mistakes.)

"Hello there." A shirtless Nathan opened the door.

I mentally blocked my eyes and stared back. No black Ferrari on the streets. She was gone, dammit!

"Hi?" I state more like a question.

"Come in." He says opening the door totally.

I enter the house and what I saw was amazing. A huge chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Beautiful red carpets covering the beautiful floor. It had white walls with pictures of what it seemed his family.

In one of the picture he was probably 9 or 10. He looked so innocent and now he is now this pervert monster.

"Can you stop pedophiling me." He says out of nowhere.

I turned back and noticed that he was standing just a few meters away from me.

"I'm pretty sure 'pedophiling' isn't even a verb." I say.

"Smart ass." He mutters

This is the kind of reasons I hate him.

"Are you hungry?" He asks with a playful tone.

"Uhm... Yes?" I say

"Good." He says and walks to what it seems like the kitchen.

But of course my crazed hormones couldn't resist checking him out. His perfectly defined muscles, his sexy brown hair that was up in a quiff, those perfect blue eyes and those abs. God forgive all my sins, those abs were perfectly defined into a sexy six pack. (A/N this description wasn't made by me, but my crazy sister.)

Soon I felt something wet on my arm, I look up to see if I could see any leaking, but it wasn't raining nor there was any leak. Then I touched my face and continued through my mouth.

"Ew!" I exclaim loudly. I just drooled on Nathan Grey! Ugh!

"What?" He exits the kitchen quickly.

"Nothing, just saw a mouse."

A mouse, Chloe, a mouse on this perfect mansion?

"You are so bad at lying." He says with a very cute smile.

I sat on the soft red couch and turned the t.v on.

"Oh yeah! Harder!" A blonde girl was moaning on the t.v.

I swear to my precious Hershey's that I just let out the most high pitch tone scream that I ever did since I was on kindergarten.

"Can't you be 5 minutes without screaming?!" Nathan screams from the kitchen.

"You have adult program's on your TV." I say like a little kid.

He walks back into the living room and stares at me with a are-you-serious face.

"You're so innocent." He says sitting next to me and turning that devils' work off. "It's not like you haven't been in that situation before." He says and I just look away staring at the walls.

"Oh my God. Are you still a virgin?!" He asks/shouts.

"Hey probably you want to scream louder. So the whole country can hear you." I say to the guy who was now acting like a fangirl in a concert of Justin Bieber (A/N no offence to any Beleiber out there.)

"Well maybe we can fix that." He started leaning closer to me. His eyes closing with every inch he moved.

I quickly pressed my hands in his bare chest. Damn he's strong!

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