Chapter Seven

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Dedicated to @mm-loo for giving advice :)

By the way: kinda filler chapter :( sorry, but next chapter is gonna be interesting ;).



"Hey." Evan says.

I stand in front of him, eyes wide open, I swear my mouth dropped almost to the floor.

"What the hell happened to you?!" I asked whispering.

"Well... I guess I met your friend Nathan." He says.

I invited him to enter and closed the door behind him. He sat on the couch and I sat next to him.

"What do you mean? Nathan did this to you?!" I ask.

"I guess..." He trails.

What the actual fudge? Why in the Heavens Nathan would do this to him, Jesus, he hasn't done anything to him!

"Tell me what happened." I state.


1 hour ago...

Evans P.O.V

I was getting back to my car, I already retrieved my jacket. As I was getting back to car, I could see a brown haired guy who seemed to be a little bit off.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Nobody takes her from me." He said as he walked towards me.

Now I could see his blue eyes, he was actually frowning at me.

"Uhm... Who?" I asked

"Chloe." He said as he walked even closer.

"Wait, you're Nathan right? Chloe and I are just friends." I defended myself, I started walking back but he continued getting closer.

"Nobody steals from me. Especially not an Australian punk." He said, kinda offending me.

"Woah, man calm down." I said. Now I was actually kinda freaked out.

"Next time you won't be such a bastard." Then everything went black.


Damn my mouth hurts. I touched my mouth and saw that it was bleeding.

This can't be okay. And I can't go home or Melissa will start ranting.

I checked my phone. 3:12 am. Yes, I'm dead.

Then her name came across my screen.


I drove to Chloe's place. Ignoring the pain I had right now. I checked myself in the car's mirror. Well, I did look like hell.

To Chloe:

Please open your door.

Few minutes later, Chloe was on her door staring at me, eyes wide open.



Chloe's P.O.V

Screw Nathan.

What the hell is wrong with him, first he talks like if I was an object, no, a prize. And then beats Evan. What. The Hell.

That guy has mental problems.

On the other hand, Nathan was jealous, which means that he cares for me. He's so cute.

'What the hell girl, are you bipolar or something?!' My mind scolds me

I mentally slap myself.

"What was that for?" Evan asks.

I have to control my mental slaps.

"Anyway, I have to go back home or my sister will kill me." He says standing up from the couch. "Thanks Chloe."

And he left.

I couldn't sleep in the whole night and when it was time to go to school, I just thought about killing Nathan and throwing him to the river.

'Of course after I kiss him'

Stupid mind and it's mental disorders for male Homo sapiens.

When I got to school I saw Melody sitting in a bench reading.

"Well girl, you have some things to explain." I tell her and she lowered her book.

"Oh, hey Chloe." She says.

"First, why didn't you come last week." I began scolding her.

"Well, I-"

"And leaving me here with a bunch of untamed mandrills." I continue

"Chloe I-"

"Don't 'Chloe I' me'." I scold her. I could see a smile forming on her. "And why didn't you called or texted?"

By this point she was already up trying to calm me.

"Chloe, calm down."

"And for the last, are you still a virgin?" I ask and she steps back, giving me the 'are-you-serious' face. "Very serious."

"Ok, first after my date with Michael, it turned out that I was allergic to seafood. So I had to stay home all the week." She began. "Then my phone felt into a pool." she says kinda embarrassed.

"How does a phone falls into a pool?!" I ask.

"Well... let's just say that taking selfies in a pool is not a very good idea.." she says and I burst into laughter.

"Very hilarious." Melody says sarcastically. "And to your last question, yes I'm still a virgin." she says laughing and I laughed too.


"See you in Biology?" I ask "And if you have a date, I'll drag you to class." I say

"Okay, okay, jeez." she says with a smile.

I waved at her and started walking to my class. But as I walked, I saw the most horrifying, selfish, egocentric, and possessive person I've seen, Nate.

"Hey baby." He says and sent him a death glare.

Things are about to get bad.


No wifi + author block = Head explosion.

No seriously, I'm sorry for not uploading, but here is the chapter :D

Votes and comments are appreciated along with Sharing and Following. Have a good night/day.

And chocolate chips ice cream for all of you!


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